Hello there!
im having problem on adding dropdown menu (like the nav in this site) in a dynamic site(templated)
which i cannot access the html (like ul, li or adding class)
and i was thinking is it possible to create a javascript dropdown menu
for this? which add drodown menu by getting just the text like "home" as base on getting like an ID
really hard to explain :)

Yes, that should be possible (but if you can add javascript, why can't you add CSS?). But what did you try, what is the html you want to make a dropdown menu of, et cetera? We're not going to write the whole thing for you. There's a lot to find about it on the web, too.

Thanks a lot twiss! i cant add css class to the nav because the navs was done dynamically, but i can put the code in a certain "add to head" part of their template it will dynamically assign

Ah, okay, that helps a lot. Could you post the html of the menu it generates?

Post you code here.

heres the screenshot where to add the css or javascript

the active css right now is this

.navigation {width:100%; margin:0; padding:0;}
.navtabs {font-size: 10px; padding: 0; margin:0; height: 40px;}
.activetab {background:url(http:/navactive.gif) top center no-repeat; color:#3f1e51; font-size:10px; height:40px; padding: 0 5px; line-height:25px; text-align:center;}
.inactivetab {background:url(/nav.gif) top center no-repeat;font-size:10px; height:40px; padding: 0 5px; line-height:25px; text-align:center;}
.hovertab {background:url(/navhover.gif) top center no-repeat;font-size:10px; height:40px; padding: 0 5px; line-height:27px; text-align:center;}
a.navlink {text-decoration:none; color:#7a508e; font-weight:bold;}
a.navlink:hover {text-decoration:none; color:#000;}
tabspacer {width:1px; background: #fff;}
.breadcrumb {font-size:11px; padding:10px; color:#333;}

heres the look it generates

like i mention
i wish to add dropdown on accessories nav but i cant access the html code to add class


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