My website have object required error on line 166, and syntax error on line 4, I cant figure out this error..
Here is the url and screenshot

Also tabcontent.js has an error on line 3 it says. This script contains html code, remove it.

The other error is caused probably by a call to addEvent, so check your code for any invalid calls.

Could you post a couple of lines around that line? (Edit: oops, too late :))

Could you post a couple of lines around that line? (Edit: oops, too late :))

Error at Line 4.
1. <html>
2. <head>
3. <TITLE>3G Mobile phone - 3G, 3G Mobile, 3G Phone, Search cheap 3G mobile</TITLE>
4. <META NAME="TITLE" CONTENT="3G Mobile Phone - Your search starts here ">
5. <META NAME="DESCRIPTION" CONTENT="3G Mobile phone Shop: Search the best available 3G mobile phone in Market. ">

Error at Line 166.

157 <script type="text/javascript">
158 " // <![CDATA["
159 " var myMenu;"
160 " window.onload = function() {"
161 " myMenu = new SDMenu(""my_menu"");"
162 " myMenu.init();"
163 " };"
164 " // ]]>"
165 " </script>"
166 " "
167 " <script type=""text/javascript"">"
169 var _gaq = _gaq || [];
170 _gaq.push();
171 _gaq.push();

Uhm. I doubt that. 166 is empty.

Uhm. I doubt that. 166 is empty.

I removed that empty line but still showing error.

My point was not that you may not have empty lines in your script, that's fine. The point was that I doubt that it means that line, because empty lines.... don't raise an error.

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