Here`s my code. I think its right. I had checked every single detail. But then, it still don`t work. It doesn`t link to the html i had created.
Hope you can help me.
I`m new to this stuffs.

<head><title>Using Image Maps</title></head>

		<center><img src="bearface.jpg" width="600" height="776" alt="bearface" usemap="#bearface"></center>

		<map name="bear">

			<area shape="polygon" coords="167,123,181,167,228,167,190,196,204,241,167,214,129,240,142,197,106,168,153,166" href="file:///C:/Users/Rizza/Documents/WC&D%20-%20Image%20Map/star.html" alt="star">
			<area shape="polygon" coords="450,109,507,176,455,247,397,178" href="file:///C:/Users/Rizza/Documents/WC&D%20-%20Image%20Map/diamond.html" alt="diamond">

			<area shape="polygon" coords="279,247,349,247,313,288" href="file:///C:/Users/Rizza/Documents/WC&D%20-%20Image%20Map/triangle.html" alt="trangle">

			<area shape="rect" coords="442,382,183,415" href="file:///C:/Users/Rizza/Documents/WC&D%20-%20Image%20Map/rectangle.html" alt="rectangle">

			<area shape="circle" coords="125,322,31" href="file:///C:/Users/Rizza/Documents/WC&D%20-%20Image%20Map/circle.html" alt="circle">


Thanks in Advance!

I think the map name must correspond to what you refer to in usemap. In your example, usemap="#bearface" but <map name="bear">

I think the map name must correspond to what you refer to in usemap. In your example, usemap="#bearface" but <map name="bear">

Thanks! :)

Maybe academic but ...

I think that some browsers' security (subject to settings?) will not play ball with absolute URLs of protocol "file:". The reason I am uncertain is because I never do this.

Solution: use relative URLs.


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