I currently have the following php :


What is the easiest way to replace the newlines with <BR>\n.


Member Avatar for GreenDay2001

Check out str_replace() function (see here)

Member Avatar for diafol

Use nl2br() as @ardav stated. It automatically replace new line character (\n) with html 'br' tag. It prototype looks like:


echo nl2br("foo\nbar");    //return foo<br />bar

Cool, though it seems to work using strings but it doesnt seem to work when I output the system function to it..

echo '<pre>';
$output = system('/usr/bin/whois');
echo nl2br($output);
echo '</pre>';

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My question was how do you get nl2br to work with the output of a system command ?

Use exec instead of system and specify an empty array as the 2nd variable. This will then be filled with all the lines output by the command.

$result = array();
exec('/usr/bin/whois', $result);

Now you have an array filled with all the lines, excluding trailing whitespace, of the output.
To print this with <br />'s just use

echo implode("<br />", $result);

Use exec instead of system and specify an empty array as the 2nd variable. This will then be filled with all the lines output by the command.

$result = array();
exec('/usr/bin/whois', $result);

Now you have an array filled with all the lines, excluding trailing whitespace, of the output.
To print this with <br />'s just use

echo implode("<br />", $result);

Perfect .... Many Thanks...

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