I have the following code I am using to writing and reading cookies:

//Get Villages from cookie
	function getVillageFromCookie(villageCount)
		var currentVillage = -1;
		var villagesCookie = getCookie("tw_ratio_villageCount");
		if (villagesCookie!=null && villagesCookie!="")
			currentVillage = villagesCookie;
			storeCookie("tw_ratio_villageCount", villageCount, 1);
			currentVillage = 1;
		return currentVillage;		
	//Get troops from cookie
	function getTroopsFromCookie()
		var rtnVal = 0;
		var presavedTroops = getCookie("tw_ratio_troops");
		if(presavedTroops != null && presavedTroops != "")
			rtnVal = parseInt(presavedTroops);
		return rtnVal;
	//Store the passed number of troops in a cookie
	function storeCookie(cookieName, troopNum, exdays)
		var exdate=new Date();
		exdate.setDate(exdate.getDate() + exdays);
		var c_value=escape(troopNum) + ((exdays==null) ? "" : "; expires="+exdate.toUTCString());
		document.cookie =  cookieName + "=" + c_value;
	//Get Cookie Function
	function getCookie(c_name)
		var i,x,y,ARRcookies=document.cookie.split(";");
		for (i=0;i<ARRcookies.length;i++)
		  if (x==c_name)
			return unescape(y);

Since, I am not so proficient in javascript i used the code provided at w3schools.com

My aim is to store 2 variables in cookies. The first is an integer representing the current village. The other is the integer that represent troop count. They are used as below:

var points = getPoints(true);
		var troops = 0;
		if(villages > 1)
			var currentVillage = getVillageFromCookie(villages);
			troops = getTroops(true); //returns an int
			if(villages == currentVillage)
				troops += getTroopsFromCookie();
			} else
				var previousTroops = getTroopsFromCookie(villages);
				previousTroops += troops;
				storeTroops(troops, 1);
				storeVillageCountInCookie(currentVillage++, 1);
				alert("Please execute the script from the next village's recruit screen.");
		} else
			troops = getTroops(true);
		alert("Total Points: " + points + "\nTotal Troops: " + troops + "\nRatio: " + (troops/points).toFixed(4));

However, Firebug is throwing this error: missing } in compound statement I am sure this is the part of the code causing the error because it works when this code is removed. Suggestion?

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It looks like there is more code that you aren't showing that is causing the issue.

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