It might sound strange but can I simplify it !!
I have only one variable for input which is diameter of a circle in millimeters.
This ultimately converts into a Guage value as in gun barrels. I can do this in Excel but haven't much of a clue about coding for a web page element.
So I have input X halved to give a radius
Then 4/3 pi r cubed gives the vloume in cu mm
Volume x 0.01134 which is the weight in grams of lead per cubic mm gives the weight of the sphere
this is then divided into 453.59237 which is the weight of a lb of lead in grams
result is number of spheres per lb lead i.e. the guage
So if we start with a bore of 23mm (0.906")
we end with a guage of 6.278 and a weight of 72.26gms (2.549 oz)
Help would be really appreciated.