Dear Friends,

Am developing a sms based website. i bought the gsm modem. problem how to connect the com port through php and querying the gsm modem with AT Commands ?? Please help me out

Modem:- Visontek 82GH USB MODEM
It supports at commands.

Note:- Am sending sms and making calls through their software but how to connect the modem through gsm modem i dont know. Please help me.

Thanks in advance
Radhakrishna Rayidi

As a server-side programming language, PHP isn't the right way to deal with a device like a modem. You can certainly do it by sending to a third party service or to the phone company server as an email (if they provide that service where you are). If you search this site you will find some previous posts about doing this directly through a modem but you will probably see that it is being done using C or Java.

Dear all, I got problem with looping i wanna get interest rate in each loop while date = date + 1month and round up-round down with all amount:

here is my code:

    $spit = array(",", "'");
    $loan = str_replace($spit,"",$loan_size);

    $date = date('Y-m-d');
    $naturity_date=date("Y-m-d",strtotime("+$term months"));    
    $repayment_date=date("$date",strtotime("+1 months"));   



    echo "<script>alert('$ba,$pr,$i,$remain_days,$cur');</script>";



    /*  echo"<script>alert('$i');</script>"; */
        echo"<tr align='center'>
                <td class='tdborder'>

            echo"<td class='tdborder'>$repay_date</td>";
            echo"<td class='tdborder'>$cur $pr</td>";
            echo"<td class='tdborder'>$cur $i</td>";
            echo"<td class='tdborder'>$cur $pa</td>";
            echo"<td class='tdborder'>$cur $ba</td>";




            echo"<tr align='center'>
                <td class='tdborder'>
                    Total :
        echo"<td class='tdborder'>&nbsp;</td>";
        echo"<td class='tdborder'>-------</td>";
        echo"<td class='tdborder'>-------</td>";
        echo"<td class='tdborder'>-------</td>";
        echo"<td class='tdborder'>-------</td>";


commented: unintrested reply -1
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