Wishing you all a Happy new Year wishes.

Hi good morning. I thought of sharing with you a requirement that i am not clear and thought as an expert you might be able to help me out with pointers and logic.Well, I would try to be brief:- I have a web site that has public,member,admin level users. the member is user who is registered and on registering registers his name,location,service cost. now , for the public user i have a user map that would be mapping him to his location based on the selected place.I want this place to be pointed and when the mouse moves over the point of location , show hie name and service cost as tooltip.I have no idea about a tool or script or program that i could use with my site for doing this.I would be having internal maps and do not prefer google maps.
requesting your concern and consideration for this interactive map , i am feeling to cry.


You could use the Google Maps API - I haven't personally tried it, but I hear it's easy enough.

Id go with google maps. I looked at msn's map API and even though they say its been in development longer than google maps, it seems to be a copy, as far as the API goes and just doenst match up. (maybe thats the best way to lay out the API? maybe everyone is used to Google Maps API, still its a coincidence).

For mambo, the only problem I can see is that you will have to add javascript to the head section of the html document. This can be done with mambo since mambo uses output buffering.
If you search the mambo API docs you will find the function for adding html/js to the head section, but this is only for later versions of mambo.
It also doesnt work in the admin panel, and with no_html enabled or on index2.php which loads only the mainbody.

If you add your js to the body of the html, it will most likely fail in ie, unless your doctype declaration validates successfully and is the doctype specified in the google maps API (cant remember which).
This is hard to do with mambo however, since validating the doctype depends on your template, components, modules, and usually will not even validate as xHTML 1.0 transitional.
(Joomla is better at this though :) )

There is an interactive map api offered open source, I believe you can find it at sourceforge.net. I can't remember where I saw it.
I'll try and find it again and post it here for you to view.

hi digital-ether,

Thanks for your time and concern. Yes, as you said, in my ie, the google maps comp has some parser issue though it works in firefox.I really do not know how to correct for one part and in the another part you mentioned about the interactive maps API. I could not make out it in sourceforge.net.

Request your patience and help with this and thanking you once again for the concern and consideration shown.

Wishing you a nice weekend and great time, I remain


Here's the link to ka-maps which is a javascript based map interface API.

Theres also a list of other map resources and tools there at http://www.maptools.org/

As for adding custom head tags to mambo/joomla use:


$string should contain your <script> reference.

Didn't get into ka-maps, seemed a bit harder than using google maps... lol.

HI digital ether,

That is really new news for me. thanks for all those informations and links. I am still playing around with the tools and if i get stuck anywhere , hope you would help me out.



Hi digital ether,

Yes! I had gone back to google maps. ka-maps and mapserver took my brains out...

Interactive maps on the lines of google maps is fine and i believe i am near to a solution. Just would post it here for anyone would like to know. But still some kilometers to walk to get the phase 1 done of this.

Do you have any idea of mapTypes?? amd mapTypes properties.If so , plz share with me.


Harish Balakrishnan Marar

Have implemented it well fine. got some time here to post that it is done and solved in mambo cms powered site

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