im using a stored procedure to load a number of galleries and then photos within the gallery, however when linking them to the listView only the first two photos are returned.

Stored procedure



declare @galID int

Declare c Cursor For Select Distinct gallery_id From galleries
Open c

Fetch next From c into @galID

While @@Fetch_Status = 0 Begin
   select top(2) photo_id, photo_name from photos where gallery_id = @galID
   Fetch next From c into @galID

Close c
Deallocate c


result of executing the stored procedure

photo_id    photo_name                 
----------- -------------------------- 
244         208500_1850052766985_1110  
247         260531_2042291492833_1110  
No rows affected.
(2 row(s) returned)
photo_id    photo_name                 
----------- -------------------------- 
279         DSC00281                   
280         DSC00285                   
No rows affected.
(2 row(s) returned)
photo_id    photo_name                 
----------- -------------------------- 
281         Matt relo-MAT       
No rows affected.
(1 row(s) returned)
Finished running [dbo].[test].

binding to listview

using (api_gallery_dataDataContext apiPic = new api_gallery_dataDataContext())
                var PhotoResult = from p in apiPic.test()

                                  select new

                ListView3.DataSource = PhotoResult;             
                ListView3.DataBind(); //bind items to the listview

The stored procedure is executing but not all items are binding to the listview. Anyone have any ideas to why this is?

Whats Funny. You are selecting just 2 photos using top(2) clause and expecting to select more. use:
select photo_id, photo_name from photos where gallery_id = @galID

Whats Funny. You are selecting just 2 photos using top(2) clause and expecting to select more. use:
select photo_id, photo_name from photos where gallery_id = @galID

This is not the issue as the results of executing the stored procedure is executing correctly, its loading the first 2 photos from 3 galleries. the results however are only binding the first 2 photos from the first gallery and everything after this is not binding?

I did try your method but resulted in the same output. Thanks for your response.

Barrie Grant

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