I am fairly new at web developement. I created a web site for the dealership in which the dealer can list used motorcycles for sale along with a picture of the motorcycle. Currently, the client emails me the year and model information, the asking price, and a jpg picture file of the motorcycle. I then update the web page with this information. The client asked me to set up a web form which would allow him to upload this information himself and have it automatically listed on the web page. I am php beginner and would like some suggestions on how to go about creating a web page to allow the client to be able to upload the information and then use that information to update the existing web page. I used Microsoft Expressions 3 to develope the web site. I assume that I would have to use a MySQL database to store the uploaded information and link to the picture file.

G&G Designing 1 Junior Poster in Training
G&G Designing 1 Junior Poster in Training

G&G Designing 1 Junior Poster in Training

G&G Designing 1 Junior Poster in Training

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