Hi there, since recently i have been trying to master HTML, and now i am full ready to take on PHP therefore, just like HTML instead of making many .html files | i want to use the PHP dynamic page function that can show me pages from database. usually as you can see in the URL id=?dsdf ( something like that )

Just one simple example about what to do in SQL and the php page will be perfect


In your page you put the following code:


if(isset($_GET['p']) && !empty($_GET['p'])){
 $p = $_GET['p'];
 //please put mysql queries and most of the code dealing with mysql in a separate page unlike this one
 $query = "SELECT `content` FROM `your_table` WHERE `id`='$p'";
 if (@$mysql_query = mysql_query($query)){
  if (mysql_num_rows($mysql_query)==1){
   $content = mysql_result($mysql_query, 0, 'content');


 <p><?php echo $mysql_result; ?></p>

This is a simple but insecure way to display page content according to the id of the page. You can make a table and store all the id and content and other stuff.

If you wanna make it secure, please put all the queries and everything dealing with mysql in a separate page and require or include it in your main page.

Let say you have a table for your blog (with id, title and post fields):

	$id = $_GET['id'];
		$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM blog WHERE id = '$id' limit 1");
		if(mysql_num_rows($query) == 1)
			while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query))
				echo $row['title'];
				echo $row['post'];
				echo $row['id'];
			echo 'not found';
		echo 'not valid';

Check these links for more information:

In your page you put the following code:


if(isset($_GET['p']) && !empty($_GET['p'])){
 $p = $_GET['p'];
 //please put mysql queries and most of the code dealing with mysql in a separate page unlike this one
 $query = "SELECT `content` FROM `your_table` WHERE `id`='$p'";
 if (@$mysql_query = mysql_query($query)){
  if (mysql_num_rows($mysql_query)==1){
   $content = mysql_result($mysql_query, 0, 'content');


 <p><?php echo $mysql_result; ?></p>

This is a simple but insecure way to display page content according to the id of the page. You can make a table and store all the id and content and other stuff.

If you wanna make it secure, please put all the queries and everything dealing with mysql in a separate page and require or include it in your main page.

Sorry, I didn't saw you have already posted a solution. I opened the thread and went away for a bit.. ^_^'

Thanks guys, but where is the link ( href ) ? . I mean i am suppose to send variables through the GET Fuction, but that can only be achieved when i click a link like ( Home, About us, contact. ... )

So, where do i integrate those links and what will be the relationship with the above code

No prob :D
I hope the person who opened this topic has his problem fixed.

You can simply make links with address like : yourpage.php?p=3

According to my code if your users visit yourpage.php, the content which has id of '1' will be displayed.

You obviously need a mysql table to get this code to work, your table may look something like this:

id    content    title     name
1     hey guys   my title  my site name
2     hey guys1  my title  my site name
3     hey guys2  my title  my site name

So if you visit "yourwebsite/yourpage.php" then you will find the text 'hey guys' on the page
If you visit "yourwebsite/yourpage.php?p=2" then you will find the text 'hey guys1' on the page

commented: 1 +1

Thank you so much, i am now trying it. I will post here if i encounter any errors. Although i am sure i won't.


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