
Whenever I have error in PHP script, it doesn't return errors, it only returns blank page.
So, when everything is OK, script works perfectly, but when I have error, it's only blank page in browser.

I use Debian 6.0.2

any help is appreciated :D

how about a sample page. this is why you should run your logic outside of the scope of your page, but anyway, need a sample page of your code to see what you are talking about. is there really an error, does the page stop loading because of the error? please show code if you want help.

how about a sample page. this is why you should run your logic outside of the scope of your page, but anyway, need a sample page of your code to see what you are talking about. is there really an error, does the page stop loading because of the error? please show code if you want help.

bro this is the code


echo "something"


So I didn't put the semicolon, and there is no error like "Syntacs error, expected ; " or something.

Just blank page,
like I didn't run anything.

really weird

at the top of your page tyr this:

// top of your script.

 echo $something

:icon_cry: no use

Check whether error_reporting is On from your php.ini file by simply printing phpinfo(). If not, then set it to On.

Check whether error_reporting is On from your php.ini file by simply printing phpinfo(). If not, then set it to On.

works :icon_cheesygrin:
thanks a lot

just I can't believe this was set to off,
why for fucks sake

In php ini set display_errors = on

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