i am using mail() function to send email with php. the following is the sending script.
$to = "bonjourcava@gmail.com";
$subject = "Contact Us";
$email = "bonjour" ;
$message = "jee tres bien" ;
$headers = "Billing information";
$sent = mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers) ; ?>
it displays a success message but when i check my mail box,there is no new mail.what else can i add to make it run? am using ubuntu version 9.04

Did you install a mail server?

And check your spam folder.

yes. am using sendmail in /usr/sbin/sendmail. i don't know whether there are any configuration i need to make like the case in windows where you edit the http.conf and php.ini files. my http.conf is empty in ubuntu. please help.

check whether your server supports Emails or not? Check this in phpinfo(). in that page, search for IMAP. if it is enabled, mail will be sent successfully.

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