	<title>Web Development</title>

<h2 style="text-align: center">Personal Information</h2>


//text area First name
echo "<p>You didn't enter your name.</p>\n";
echo "Your Name: <b>" . $_POST['name'] . "</b><br />\n";
function get_Age_difference($start_date,$end_date){
list($start_year,$start_month,$start_date) = explode(‘-’, $start_date);
list($current_year,$current_month,$current_date) = explode(‘-’, $end_date);
$result = ”;

/** days of each month **/

for($x=1 ; $x<=12 ; $x++){

$dim[$x] = date(‘t’,mktime(0,0,0,$x,1,date(‘Y’)));


/** calculate differences **/

$m = $current_month – $start_month;
$d = $current_date – $start_date;
$y = $current_year – $start_year;

/** if the start day is ahead of the end day **/

if($d < 0) {

$today_day = $current_date + $dim[$current_month];
$today_month = $current_month – 1;
$d = $today_day – $start_date;
$m = $today_month – $start_month;
if(($today_month – $start_month) < 0) {

$today_month += 12;
$today_year = $current_year – 1;
$m = $today_month – $start_month;
$y = $today_year – $start_year;



/** if start month is ahead of the end month **/

if($m < 0) {

$today_month = $current_month + 12;
$today_year = $current_year – 1;
$m = $today_month – $start_month;
$y = $today_year – $start_year;


/** Calculate dates **/

if($y < 0) {

die(“Start Date Entered is a Future date than End Date.”);

} else {

switch($y) {

case 0 : $result .= ”; break;
case 1 : $result .= $y.($m == 0 && $d == 0 ? ‘ year old’ : ‘ year’); break;
default : $result .= $y.($m == 0 && $d == 0 ? ‘ years old’ : ‘ years’);


switch($m) {

case 0: $result .= ”; break;
case 1: $result .= ($y == 0 && $d == 0 ? $m.’ month old’ : ($y == 0 && $d != 0 ? $m.’ month’ : ($y != 0 && $d == 0 ? ‘ and ‘.$m.’ month old’ : ‘, ‘.$m.’ month’))); break;
default: $result .= ($y == 0 && $d == 0 ? $m.’ months old’ : ($y == 0 && $d != 0 ? $m.’ months’ : ($y != 0 && $d == 0 ? ‘ and ‘.$m.’ months old’ : ‘, ‘.$m.’ months’))); break;


switch($d) {

case 0: $result .= ($m == 0 && $y == 0 ? ‘Today’ : ”); break;
case 1: $result .= ($m == 0 && $y == 0 ? $d.’ day old’ : ($y != 0 || $m != 0 ? ‘ and ‘.$d.’ day old’ : ”)); break;
default: $result .= ($m == 0 && $y == 0 ? $d.’ days old’ : ($y != 0 || $m != 0 ? ‘ and ‘.$d.’ days old’ : ”));



return $result;


/* Call this function as */

$your_birthdate= get_Age_difference($enter_your_birthdate,date(“Y-m-d”)); /* get_Age_difference(Birthdate,Todays_date) */
echo $your_birthdate;




help :( cant figure it out :( :(

** Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in C:\wamp\www\mdexam webdec\nameage2.php on line 39

You're using curly quotes on all php code, change them to single quotes, so do not use ‘ ’ but ' ' . And do the same for double curly quotes. This should solve the problem.
A question: which editor are you using?

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