...hello there....i really need help..

..i'am now working on a web-based student information system through the use of PHP and MySQL...

...but i know that before i can go through the coding part...i have to study first about its business process......

...the SIS that i've been working was divided into different modules....registrar, admin, applicant, cashier, faculty and student....and i got the student module..

...as i try to analyze it...i cannot think of a way where, somehow, i can include any student transaction aside from the payment....

..without the payment, my entity relationship diagram was so limited....

...could you please help me understand more about SIS-Business Process..

I have no idea whats your talking about, can you explain more?


Paying? I think this is a thesis, am I right?

I would leave paying away from my project but as far as I'm concerned, when your intention is for the student to pay through the internet, it will be an headache for you and if you're living in a country that exchanging money systems like paypal is not being used, it would really cause you alot of headache.

But you can try to database everything. Example, when a student wants to know information about his/her balance to the school or how much the student needs to pay that would go.

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show us what you have and what needs doing.

...as of now....i came up with this ERD...

..at first....the intention of the system is to enable the students to pay from the system...

...but since the cashier and registration part is out of our module...there is no "transaction" part where we can include payments and even scheduling of classes...making our SIS seemed to be profiling rather that an information system..

...furthermore..i would like to ask you guys to "insult" my ERD so at least i might know what is wrong about that....:)...:)

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