Hi guys.
Im new to PHP by necessity really due to a friend of mine asking me a favour.
I know vb.net so not completely new to the whole programming scene.
But anyway,

I have approx 5 drop down lists. Each item in each drop down has a value "option value=5" for example.The "5" means £5.

I need to add all the option values from each drop down menu to come up with a final price.

How would i go about adding the selected option values?



Member Avatar for Zagga

Hi Ross,

You will need to add the lists to a form, and give a NAME to each list.
When the user hits the submit button, you can collect the $_POST data for each list and calculate the total. $total = $_POST['List1'] + $_POST['List2'] + $_POST['List3'] + $_POST['List4'] + $_POST['List5']; If you want to do it without having a submit button, you may need to look into AJAX.

yeah i was trying to create a simple version first before ajax being new to PHP an all.

Thanks for that, ill have a look into it.

PS. how will that script add together the values. The values are different to the text in the drop down list

<select rel="condition"> 
					<option value="10">Excellent</option> 
					<option value="5">Good</option> 
					<option value="0">Poor</option> 

thsi is what i have at the moment - well a snipet

Member Avatar for Zagga
<select rel="condition" name="condition">
     <option value="10">Excellent</option>
     <option value="5">Good</option>
     <option value="0">Poor</option>

When the form is posted, $_POST["condition"] is value of the option selected by the user.
If you add a different name to each select statement, you can collect each of the values and perform the calculation.

ahhh i see


ill keep this thread open as ill more than likely get into some trouble :D

ran into a few troubles

this is my test1.php file --


<form action ="results.php" method="post">

				<select rel="screen size" name="ssize"> 
					<option value="10">under</option> 
					<option value="20">higher</option> 
				<select rel="condition" name="condition"> 
					<option value="10">Excellent</option> 
					<option value="5">Good</option> 
					<option value="0">Poor</option> 
				<select rel="optical drive" name="opticalDrive"> 
					<option value="20">DVD drive</option> 
					<option value="5">CD drive</option> 
					<option value="0">No drive</option> 
				<input type="submit" />

and this is my results.php file ----



$total = $_POST['ssize'] + $_POST['condition'] + $_POST['opticalDrive'];

echo $total;



when i click submit, the results.php is blank. whats gone wrong?

Member Avatar for Zagga

It works fine for me. I copy/pasted the above code (and removed the rel tags).

Try to view the source code of the blank page, see if there is any generated code

what do you mean removed the rel tags?

did you get a total number?

right click inspect element on Chrome shows its some how done this :S



$total = $_POST['ssize'] + $_POST['condition'] + $_POST['opticalDrive']; ?-->

Price is <!--?php echo $total; ?-->


ok now im being stupid - running it off my pc seemed to be the problem.

ran it on my website all good. thanks mate

Member Avatar for diafol

before you assume an expression like this, ensure that the variables are set and are valid. You should protect yourself:

if(isset($_POST['ssize']) && isset($_POST['condition']) && isset($_POST['opticalDrive']) && is_int($_POST['ssize']) && is_int($_POST['condition']) && is_int($_POST['opticalDrive'])){
    $total = $_POST['ssize'] + $_POST['condition'] + $_POST['opticalDrive'];
    echo "total = " . $total;
    echo "Some data was invalid.<br />";

could you explain that code for me please?

Member Avatar for Zagga

As ardav suggests, you should NEVER TRUST POST DATA.

Before you use any of the variables in results.php you should perform a few basic tests. if (isset($_POST['ssize'])) will check if the variable has been set before you try to use it. if (is_int($_POST['ssize'])) will check that the value is an integer, not some nasty HTML.

ahhh i see - will get the basics sorted and add in some of that stuff.

Cheers guys, much appreciated

Member Avatar for diafol

OK mark as solved - there's a link below the edit box.

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