This is whole system that's already built. The search functions need this kind of variable search[account_number] . Otherwise he result does not show up. How can I pass the value?

<div align="center"><br />Search:<br />
 <select name="searchby" id="droplist">
  <option name="search[company_name]">COMPANY NAME</option>
   <option name="search[account_number]">ACCOUNT NUMBER</option>
   <option value="all">SHOW ALL</option>
  <br/ ><br />For:<br><input type="text" name="" class="submit" size="16">
   <br></span><br /><?php echo create_link("Search","submit"); ?>	        <?php echo create_link("Reset","reset",$module->link()); ?>

Can I use javascript to pass the selected dropdown value.
The logic is this, if COMPANY NAME selected the it will search only on the company table. Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for diafol
<option name="search[company_name]">COMPANY NAME</option>
   <option name="search[account_number]">ACCOUNT NUMBER</option>
   <option value="all">SHOW ALL</option>

should be:

<option value="company_name">COMPANY NAME</option>
   <option value="account_number">ACCOUNT NUMBER</option>
   <option value="all">SHOW ALL</option>

The select carries:

<select name="searchby" id="droplist">

On submit you pick up $_POST or $_GET, depending on the form method.
That will hold either company_name,account_number,all.
SO simple to pull out data from DB.

If you want ajax or autofill, that's something else.

Actually that is not working. the only thing that works is

<input type="text" name="<?php echo $_REQUEST['unisearch'];?>" class="submit" size="16">

However, the problem is I have to click the search twice to get the variable. That is the only problem I have right now. Thanks

Member Avatar for diafol

Are you sending to a different page or the same one? I don't see any form tags.

The code you've posted is quite unorthodox.

But good luck with it.

Yes, there is form.
<input type="text" name="<?php echo $_REQUEST;?>" class="submit" size="16">
the name needs to update as the user selects Company name or Account number, so the search function to look in that table database.

The name field for

$search = $_REQUEST['search'];
$unisearch = $_REQUEST['search'];

$users = $module->get_users($db,$search);

<style type="text/css">

<h2><?php echo _l('All Clients'); ?></h2>

<div align="right">
	<img src="images/add.png" width="16" class="add" height="16" alt="add" border="0" /><?php echo create_link("Add New Client","add",$module->link("",array("user_id"=>"new"))); ?>

<form action="" method="post">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" class="tableclass tableclass_rows">
	<tr class="title">
		<th><?php echo _l('Company Name'); ?></th>
        <th><?php echo _l('Provider'); ?></th>
        <th><?php echo _l('Contract End'); ?></th>
        <th><?php echo _l('Account Number'); ?></th>
        <!--<th><?php echo _l('Parent'); ?></th>-->
        <th align="center"><?php echo _l('Action'); ?></th>

    <tr class="search">
  	<div align="center"><br />Search:<br />
					<select name="unisearch" id="dropdown">
						<option value="search[company_name]">COMPANY NAME</option>
						<option value="search[account_number]">ACCOUNT NUMBER</option>
						<option value="all">SHOW ALL</option>
					<div nowrap="nowrap"><br/ ><br />For:<br />
					<input type="text" name="<?php
					 if (isset($_POST['unisearch'])) {echo $_POST['unisearch'];}else {echo 'search[company_name]'; } ?>" 
					class="submit" size="16">
					<br></span><br /><?php echo create_link("Search","submit"); ?>	        <?php echo create_link("Reset","reset",$module->link()); ?>
        <!-- <td>
        $parents = array();
		foreach($users as $u){
				$parent = $module->get_user($db,$u['parent_id']);
				$parents[$u['parent_id']] = $parent['real_name'];
		echo print_select_box($parents,"search[parent_id]",$search['parent_id']);
        </td> -->
        <td nowrap="nowrap">
    <tr class="sep" height="1">
    	<td colspan="6" height="1" align="center"></td>
    // group users by type.
	$user_types = array();
	foreach($users as $user){
	foreach($user_types as $access_level => $users){ 
		foreach($users as $user){ ?>
        <tr class="<?php echo ($c++%2)?"odd":"even"; ?>" id="<?php echo $user['admin_id']; ?>">
            <td><a href="<?php echo $module->link('',array("user_id"=>$user['user_id'])); ?>"><?php echo $user['company_name']; ?></a></td>
            <td><?php echo $user['provider']; ?></td></td>
               <td><?php echo $user['contract_end']; ?></td>
                <td><a href="<?php echo $module->link('',array("user_id"=>$user['user_id'])); ?>"><?php echo $user['account_number']; ?></a></td>
			//friendly_key(get_access_levels(),friendly_key(get_user($db,$user['parent_id']),"access_level")).": ".
			 echo friendly_key(get_user($db,$user['parent_id']),"real_name");
			 ?></td> -->
            <td align="center">
            	<img src="images/open-add.png" width="18" height="18" alt="add" border="0" /><?php echo create_link("Open","open",$module->link('',array("user_id"=>$user['user_id']))); ?>
        <?php } ?>
        <tr class="sep" height="1">
        	<td colspan="6" height="1" align="center"></td>
      <?php } ?>
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