Hi, i created the page which is display some information from database with some rules in the end of page i putted the command that it is show how many page that i have.

so, i decide to add next and previous in the sides of page numbers and also i wanna mark active page for visitor (for ex : type active page with bold style)

here is the code :

include "db.php";
$qtyRow = '<tr>';
$priceRow = '<tr>';
$nn=6; //Number of items, we split this later
$s=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `test1`");
//$cc : Number of pages
$ss=@$_REQUEST['ss']; //Start position (eg: 6)
$other_tables = "";
if($ss=="" || $ss==null){
	$ss = 0; //Set to zero because it is incremented later
echo "<table border=\"1\" align=\"center\">";
$sql=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `test1` ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT $ss,$nn");
$inc = 0;
	if($inc == 0){
		$qtyRow .= "<tr>";
		$priceRow .= "<tr>";
	$qtyRow .= "<td>$id</td>";
	$priceRow .= "<td>$name</td>";
	if($inc == 3 || $inc == 6 || $inc == mysql_num_rows($sql)){
		//Display Table
		echo $qtyRow."</tr>";
		echo $priceRow."</tr>";
		echo "</table>";
		//To remove extra table
		if(mysql_num_rows($sql) <= 3){
			$inc = 7;
		if($inc == 3){
			echo "<br><table border='1' align='center'>";
			$qtyRow = "<tr>";
			$priceRow = "<tr>";
echo "</table>";
echo"page : ";
	echo"<a href=\"select.php?ss=$j\">$i</a>";

thanks my friend but unfortunately i couldn't assemble that code in my page !
i liked that style, so how can i edit my codes to reach that style ??
could yo help me with this problem ??

thanks my friend but unfortunately i couldn't assemble that code in my page !
i liked that style, so how can i edit my codes to reach that style ??
could yo help me with this problem ??

follow the tutorial and forget your code for a while. Once you finish the tut. and know how things works, you can accomodate changes and additions to fit your needs. That is the way we learn :)

please help me to set active button for active page. page that you are in it.
and other style for other pages, page that you are not.

	?> <li><a class="button active small" href="showcodes.php<? echo "?ss=$j"; ?>"><span><? echo"$i"; ?></span></a></li>
       <li><a class="button tertiary small" href="showcodes.php<? echo "?ss=$j"; ?>"><span><? echo"$i"; ?></span></a></li>

please help me to set active button for active page. page that you are in it.
and other style for other pages, page that you are not.

	?> <li><a class="button active small" href="showcodes.php<? echo "?ss=$j"; ?>"><span><? echo"$i"; ?></span></a></li>
       <li><a class="button tertiary small" href="showcodes.php<? echo "?ss=$j"; ?>"><span><? echo"$i"; ?></span></a></li>

You mean styling the button? That is CSS and differs from person to person!

No, u know in this form i have 2 style for my buttons one of them is active style i want to set active style for page that i already visiting it.

<li><a class="button active small" href="showcodes.php<? echo "?ss=$j"; ?>"><span><? echo"$i"; ?></span></a></li>

this is the style which used for active button .

its CSS issue try and adapt this code to your need

    text-decoration: none;

<?php $j=23; $i=100; ?>
 <a class="button_active_small" href="<?php echo 'showcodes.php?ss='.$j; ?>"><?php echo $i; ?> </a>

My dear i create css style i dont need to add any styles
Please answer my question it is not about creating any styles
As i said i create 2 style for my buttons class="button_active_small" style and class="button tertiary small" so, now i want to set first style for page that i already visiting it that with FOR LOOP COMMAND created and the other style for other pages.

My dear i create css style i dont need to add any styles
Please answer my question it is not about creating any styles
As i said i create 2 style for my buttons class="button_active_small" style and class="button tertiary small" so, now i want to set first style for page that i already visiting it that with FOR LOOP COMMAND created and the other style for other pages.

do you pay me for anything I contribute?:(

if you cant answer or you dont know what to do you can say i dont have any idea about that and dont ever never waste your and any body's time .

if you cant answer or you dont know what to do you can say i dont have any idea about that and dont ever never waste your and any body's time .

I'm off the bandwagon!

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