
Can anyone tell me how to apply paging in Gridview in MVC application?

Here is my grid...

@surveyListGrid.GetHtml("tblSurveyListGrid", columns: surveyListGrid.Columns                   
            columnName: "Name",
            header: "Title",
            format: (item) => item.Name),

            columnName: "status",
            header: "Status",
            format: (item) => item.status
            ? "Closed" : "Active"),
            surveyListGrid.Column(format: @<text> <input type="checkbox" name="chkSurvey" value="@item.SurveyID" id="chkSurvey-@item.SurveyID" /> </text>)

In 3rd column header I want to place checkbox...
what should I do?

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