can anyone help me how to add a comment box in HTML?

I'm new to html and I don't have any idea how to do it..

please help me

I mean how to add comment box in html

do you mean a comment? whats a comment box? a text box?

comment: <!-- stuff goes here and cancelled out -->
text box:

<textarea name="comments" cols="40" rows="5">
Enter your comments here...

Google is your friend, but learn the actual names before anything else so you know what to google for.

How to run javascript program. plz anybady replay

<script type = "text/javascript"> code goes here </script>

Member Avatar for stbuchok

gsreddymca84 - please don't hijack someone else's thread, create your own.

jekMCMXC - chances are you want <textarea>, however this will only display the control, to actually save information and display the saved information you will need to learn ASP.Net or PHP along with SQL.

Sorry for the late reply stbuchok,

thats what I am looking for, the one that save information and display the saved information. But my project is only HTML. How do I suppose to that in HTML...

Thanks and Regards,


Sorry for the late reply stbuchok,

thats what I am looking for, the one that save information and display the saved information. But my project is only HTML. How do I suppose to do that in HTML...

Thanks and Regards,


Member Avatar for stbuchok

In order to save data you will need to save it to a database. This can not be done using HTML alone. HTML is only for display and structure of the content.

You will need to learn ASP.Net/PHP (or another server side language) or you could do this using JavaScript and some of the new JavaScript features available in some browsers, however this is not exactly recommended, especially since the data is only available to the client and not to all users.

Thanks stbuchok,

I will try it on,but i dont know how to do it... Any tutorial you know?

thanks and regards

Member Avatar for stbuchok

There should be tutorials at both of the sites I sent you.

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