
In my script there are two document.write lines. The problem is that when I call it from my ajax page it replaces the entire body and the page disappears. Is there a way to call this in an ajax page?

<script type="text/javascript">

for (var i=0; i<DropTotal; i++){
document.write('<div id="Drop' + i + '" class="DropLine" align="center">&nbsp;&nbsp;</div>');
document.write('<div id="Drop' + i + '"  align="center">&nbsp;&nbsp;</div>');



document.write() can only be used during the document load phase.

Any attempt to use document.write() after the window.onload event has fired (or thereabouts) will cause the whole document (doctype, head, body - EVERYTHING) to be overwritten, as you have seen.

For this reason, document.write() is not the right approach to modifying a rendered document.

Use DOM methods instead - eg.

  • document.createElement() ,
  • element.innerHTML = String ,
  • element.appendChild(element) .

These and other methods are well documented on the web so I won't try to provide detail here.


I have written the function as below. The first div works and prints but the second div does not write into yourRequiredDiv2.
but document.write('<div id="D1" ></div>') ; is working

Does a div in ajax not allow an id name like D1?

<div id="yourRequiredDiv"></div>

<div id="yourRequiredDiv2"></div>

<script type="text/javascript">

var topad = $('#topAd');
for (var i=0; i<DropTotal; i++){
$('#yourRequiredDiv').append( '<div id="Drop' + i + '" class="DropLine" align="center">&nbsp;&nbsp;</div>' );


for (var i=0; i<Segments.length; i++){
$('#yourRequiredDiv2').append( '<div id="D1"  ></div>' );


id="D1" is legal but more than one element with the same id is not a good idea.

Either omit ids completely or work with your '<div id="Drop' + i + '" ... ' approach.

Also, remember that your appended divs won't render unless they have some content or some height/width enforced on them.


I have changed it as below but it is still not working
The javascript code has a onload function in body. Is there a way to implement this in ajax? The code is as follows, thanks for your help.

<script type="text/javascript">
function TimerStartUp(){
setTimeout('StartUp()', 300);

<body onLoad="TimerStartUp()" id="TheBody">


for (var i=0; i<Segments.length; i++){
$('#yourRequiredDiv2').append( '<div id="D' + i + '" class="CardStyle" onmousedown="beginDrag(event, ' + i + ')"></div>' );

Is there a way to implement this in ajax?

Sorry, the question doesn't make sense.

An onload handler is a javascript function. As with any function, it can make an ajax request but cannot in itself be "implemented in ajax".

A better way to attach an onload handler is (typically as the last javascript statement in the document's <head>):

onload = funtion(){
  setTimeout('StartUp()', 300);

Then, remove the attachment from the body tag.


for (var i=0; i<Segments.length; i++){
$('#yourRequiredDiv2').append( '<div id="D' + i + '" class="CardStyle" onmousedown="beginDrag(event, ' + i + ')"></div>' );

Inserted divs with no contents and no height, width, margin, padding or border will exist in the DOM but will be (initially) rendered as zero-dimensioned nothings - not even a pin-prick.

The divs still have :

  • no content unless it is inserted by some other piece of javascript
  • no height, width, margin, padding or border unless specified in your CSS, eg:
.CardStyle { 
  width: 20px;
  height: 20px;
  background-color: #FFCC00;


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