Have this little countdown timer that counts down to 18:00 everyday and then resets as soon as it completes, the problems is I need to get it to work on the server time and not locally but I have no idea how?
Let me know if you need to look at the .js file!
Thanks in advance, Dan
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
// Initiate Countdown
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
targetDate: {
'day': 10,
'month': 11,
'year': 2999,
'hour': 18,
'min': 00,
'sec': 00,
// time set as UTC
'utc': true
// onComplete function
onComplete: function reset() {
targetOffset: {
'day': 10,
'month': 11,
'year': 2999,
'hour': 18,
'min': 00,
'sec': 00
'omitWeeks': true,
'serverStartTime' : true