i have a php code to random 1 - 50 question from database anh print it in web

			$sql="select * from question where IDQuestion='".$arr1[$x]."'";
			if($result !=false)
            	<?php echo "<b><font color=#0F0 size=5px>$noidung</font></b>"?>
                <br />
                <form id = "checkbox" action="Ketqua.php" method="post">
            	<div>A:<input type="radio" name="<?php echo $id?>" value='$caua'/> <?php echo $caua?><br /> </div>
                <div>B:<input type="radio" name="<?php echo $id?>" value='$caub'/> <?php echo $caub?><br /> </div>
                <div>C:<input type="radio" name="<?php echo $id?>" value='$cauc'/> <?php echo $cauc?><br /> </div>
                <div>D:<input type="radio" name="<?php echo $id?>" value='$caud'/> <?php echo $caud?><br /> </div>

how can i get value from check radio button and print it to screen

When the form is submitted, you can access the input value from the POST array:


Also, your method for selecting random questions doesn't look too efficient. You're making a separate query for each question. An alternative would be to move the random element into the SQL query. E.g.:

$sql = "select * from `question` ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 10";

Hope this helps,

thanks for your alternative but i don't understand exactly your mean about var_dump($_POST[$id]);
I put it to php file and when submit this error appear :

Notice: Undefined variable: id in C:\wamp\www\GK\content\Ketqua.php on line 11

Notice: Undefined index: in C:\wamp\www\GK\content\Ketqua.php on line 11

Okay. Given that you're not going to know what the question ids are, because they're selected randomly, I would suggest posting all of the question answers in an array. E.g.

    A:<input type="radio" name="question[<?php echo $id?>]" value='<?php echo $caua; ?>'/>
    <?php echo $caua?>
    B:<input type="radio" name="question[<?php echo $id?>]" value='<?php echo $caub; ?>'/>
    <?php echo $caub; ?>
    C:<input type="radio" name="question[<?php echo $id?>]" value='<?php echo $cauc; ?>'/>
    <?php echo $cauc; ?>
    D:<input type="radio" name="question[<?php echo $id?>]" value='<?php echo $caud; ?>'/>
    <?php echo $caud; ?>

Then to retrieve the question responses after the form has been submitted, you can just loop through the $_POST array. E.g.:

if(isset($_POST['question']) {
    foreach($_POST['question'] as $id => $value) {
        // Output question id and answer
        echo "{$id} = {$value}<br />";


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