Dear Experts,

I am working on an old site build in 2003.

I am using VS 2010,
Validation mode: Explorer 6
This <TD> is using two classes (class="head" and class="grrhead2" ) in aspx file, but can not ve validated.

Kindly help me to resolve this issue.

<td valign="middle" align="left" <%if dx("row_no")=1 then%> class="head" <%else%> class="grrhead2" <%end if%> nowrap> &nbsp; <%If Not IsDBNull(dx("setup_name")) Then%><%=dx("setup_name")%><%end if%> &nbsp; </td>


This is not a problem you can still run your page. However you can use,

<td class='<%=if(dx("row_no")=1,"head","grrhead2") %>'>

Thanks alot adatapost for helping me.

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