Hi friends

i am having n number check box, if i checked one check box it has to select all the similar values of the check box and the other check box should be disable.

can any one help me to solve the issue

i am having a java script for select similar values selection

<script type='text/javascript'>
 var allInps = document.getElementsByTagName('input'), allCb = [];
 for( var i in allInps )
  if( allInps[ i ].type === 'checkbox' )
   allCb.push( allInps[ i ] );   
   allInps[ i ].onclick = likeMe;
 function likeMe()
  for( var i in allCb )
   if( allCb[ i ] !== this && allCb[ i ].value === this.value )
    allCb[ i ].checked = this.checked;  

I think there is a problem inside likeMe function. I think you are expecting to refer the clicked element using 'this', but it won't..! 'this' inside the function will refer to the DOM itself.
Put a parameter to function likeMe:

function likeMe(e)

Then replace 'this' with 'e.currentTarget'

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You'd be better off posting this to the js forum. Why is it PHP?

<script type='text/javascript'>
var allInps = document.getElementsByTagName('input'), allCb = [];

for( var i in allInps )
if( allInps[ i ].type === 'checkbox' )
allCb.push( allInps[ i ] );
allInps[ i ].onclick = likeMe;

function likeMe()
for(var i in allCb )
if( allCb[ i ] !== this && allCb[ i ].id === this.id )
allCb[ i ].checked = this.checked;
else if (allCb[ i ].checked !== this.checked && allCb[ i ].id !== this.id )
allCb[ i ].setAttribute('disabled',true);
else {
allCb[ i ].removeAttribute('disabled');

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