I just want to create a file where I can test code idea's in.
Basically I want to save a test.jsp file to my file system then open that up with a browser and have it execute the jsp code contained.

Is that possible?

Here's a simple test that I'm using ( it doesn't work of course ) ideas?

	<% alert("Test1");%>

What is the minimum I have to do for it to execute the script part?
The more advanced part that I'm working towards is to test scripts before I add them to my project.


<% java.util.regex.Pattern xss = Pattern.compile( ".*<\\s*script.*|.*<\\s*\\/script.*|.*script\\:.*|.*on[a-z]\\w*\\s*=.*"); %>
<% if (xss.matches(xss.pattern(), "<script> test </script>") == true ){
	alert ("TEST");

No, you need Tomcat or any other Java server/container, you have to provide proper folder structure for project to be deployed on server/container

Yes, minimum part is just a container like Tomcat or Glassfish....
& Java Environment is must ;)
I recommend tomcat is good for you because of you consider that minimum part..
If you going to add some script to your project its better to use some IDE like netbeans or eclipse

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