I just want to create a file where I can test code idea's in.
Basically I want to save a test.jsp file to my file system then open that up with a browser and have it execute the jsp code contained.
Is that possible?
Here's a simple test that I'm using ( it doesn't work of course ) ideas?
<% alert("Test1");%>
What is the minimum I have to do for it to execute the script part?
The more advanced part that I'm working towards is to test scripts before I add them to my project.
<% java.util.regex.Pattern xss = Pattern.compile( ".*<\\s*script.*|.*<\\s*\\/script.*|.*script\\:.*|.*on[a-z]\\w*\\s*=.*"); %>
<% if (xss.matches(xss.pattern(), "<script> test </script>") == true ){
alert ("TEST");