I need to create a form where you have two possible finishing pages dependent on the answers you give in the form.

For instance if you have the question:

Do you like sweets?

And have the two possible outcomes

Yes or No

The answer yes takes you to a yesilikesweets.php or if you answer no when you hit submit
it takes you to noihatesweets.php

Any help greatly received.

// one way 
	if($_POST['sweets'] == "yes"){
		header( 'Location: ../ilikesweets.php' )
		header( 'Location: ../idontlikesweets.php' )

echo "<form method=\"post\" target=\"_self\" >
do you like sweets</br>
<select name='sweets' size=\"1\">
	<option value=\"yes\">yes</option>
	<option value=\"no\">no</option>
<input type=\"submit\" />


// another way
	if($_POST['sweets'] == "yes"){
	include "ilikesweets.php";
	include "idontlikesweets.php";

echo "<form method=\"post\" target=\"_self\" >
do you like sweets</br>
<select name='sweets' size=\"1\">
	<option value=\"yes\">yes</option>
	<option value=\"no\">no</option>
<input type=\"submit\" />


Nice one!! I'll give that a go, thanks for your prompt reply!! Legend

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