I'm learning JavaScript, and want to know how I can run / test code on windows? I also want to download the library. Can anyone assist me? Thanks

Member Avatar for stbuchok

JavaScript is built into the browser, there is no Library that you need to download. For testing JavaScript, just create an HTML page that either has JavaScript embedded into using Script tags, or the HTML page references an external .js file.


<title>The is a test page</title>

<script type="text/javascript" src="test.js"></script>


alert('Before page finishes loading');

//JavaScript can go here but might execute before 
//the page is fully loaded which may cause errors




page content goes here



//javascript goes here

alert('Closer to the end of the page loading.');



alert('External javascript loading');

JavaScript is built into the browser, there is no Library that you need to download. For testing JavaScript, just create an HTML page that either has JavaScript embedded into using Script tags, or the HTML page references an external .js file.

I bought this Java for everyone book, and it says there is a built in java library? What am i missing?

Member Avatar for stbuchok

You want Java, not JavaScript then. JavaScript is COMPLETELY different. I would suggest moving this question to "Software Development" > "Java"

You want Java, not JavaScript then. JavaScript is COMPLETELY different. I would suggest moving this question to "Software Development" > "Java"

ok thanks.

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