the code below is not working

$product['0']="The life of game";
$product['1']="The game of life";
$subject="Thank you for purchasing";
$txt= "Thank for purchasing our product.your product related information is-";
for($i=0; $i<$count; $i++)
	$txt.=$product[$i]." :".$plicense_key[$i];
echo $txt;

It is giving error "
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 33292273 bytes) in C:\xampp\htdocs\digital-downloads-pro\test1.php on line 20"

Member Avatar for diafol

This sets $i to 0 every time, so your loop will run forever. Change this to:


This sets $i to 0 every time, so your loop will run forever. Change this to:


thank you for answer .your answer is working.i have one more proplem to make new line with \n in the text . it is not working in this text

$product['0']="The life of game";
$product['1']="The game of life";
$subject="Thank you for purchasing";
$txt= "Thank for purchasing our product.your product related information is-";
for($i=0; $i<=2; $i++)
	$txt.=$product[$i]." :".$plicense_key[$i]."\n";
echo $txt;

You are outputting HTML, so a \n has no visual effect, try <br/>

Member Avatar for diafol

Agree with Prit. However, you could use echo nl2br(...) to change \n to <br />, but I don't know whether that would be an advantage or not.

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