please take a look at my code,
what i want to happen is this,

1st, i want to pass the ID of the selected student from the other page, which can be updated or removed in the process...

which i can't , do it.. anyone can help me with this!

the problem where stated is in the CODE below. please help!

						//end config
						$record_count=mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT * from students"));
						$max_pages=$record_count / $per_page;
						$get=mysql_query("SELECT * from students LIMIT $start,$per_page");
 						echo '<td>'.$n.'</td>';
						echo '<td>'.$a.'</td>';
						echo '<td>'.$y.'</td>';
						echo '<td>'.$l.'</td>';
						echo '<td>'.$f.'</td>';
						echo '<td>'.$m.'</td>';

Starts here--->	echo '<td>';
i cant' pass the ID from another page --->

echo '<a href="up_student.php?up_student=<?php echo $row[id];?>"> edit</a>';
						echo '&nbsp;|&nbsp;';
						echo '<a href="up_student.php?up_student=                <?php echo $row[id];?>"> Remove</a>';
				---->		echo '</td>';
						echo '</tr>';
						echo '<tr>';
							echo "<a href='viewlist.php?start=$prev'>Prev</a>";
								echo "<a href='viewlist.php?start=$x'>$i</a>";
								echo "<a href='viewlist.php?start=$x'><b>$i</b></a>";
							echo "<a href='viewlist.php?start=$next'>Next</a>";				
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What do you want? the student ID value from a previous page? It depends how you're passing it.

In a url, use $_GET['id'] From a form use $_GET['id'] (default) or $_POST['id'] if you set the method to 'post'
You could also set it in a $_COOKIE or $_SESSION, depending on what you're using it for.

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