for experiment i pull data from mysql to xml to use in flash how can i add ahref to id in xml to achieve like this

my database like this
id/ product_name/ price/ details

$link = mysql_connect("localhost","lafamosa_kermis","lafamosa1000");
$query = 'SELECT * FROM products';
$results = mysql_query($query);
echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n";
echo "<products>\n";
while($line = mysql_fetch_assoc($results)) {
	echo "<item>" . $line["id"] . "</item>\n";
	echo "<item>" . $line["product_name"] . "</item>\n";
	echo "<item>" . $line["price"] . "</item>\n";
echo "</products>\n";

echo "<item>" . $line["id"] . "</item>\n";
	echo "<item>" . $line["product_name"] . "</item>\n";
	echo "<item>" . $line["price"] . "</item>\n";
	echo "<link></link>\n";

Use this...

my aim is to add link to id or product_name to go its own page like

try using simply the <a href=""></a> method...

also you can try putting it in CDATA[ ] tags to preserve the un-encoded format but i never had much luck with CDATA and Flash

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