Can anyone tell me how to deal with apostrophes in search fields?
I have the following search page: (sorry for the length of code; I thought it best to post the whole page)
require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/_dev/_includes/general.php";
require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/_dev/_includes/case.php";
require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/_dev/_includes/court.php';
require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/_dev/_includes/hra_section.php';
$case = new anu_case();
//return cases only when the Search button has been clicked
//(otherwise display only the Search form - default when first load the page)
if ($_REQUEST['form_action']=='search'){
$records_per_page = 10;
$page_num = (!empty($_REQUEST['page_num'])) ? $_REQUEST['page_num']: 1;
//collect search parameters from user
$year = $_REQUEST['year'];
$keyword = $_REQUEST['keyword'];
//set the object properties for anu_case()
$case->citation = $keyword;
$case->title = $keyword;
$case->overview = $keyword;
$case->summary = $keyword;
$case->other_legislation = $keyword;
$case->related_links = $keyword;
$case->court_id= $_REQUEST['court'];
$case->hra_section_id = $_REQUEST['hra_section'];
//return selected cases
$rs_case = $case->fPublicSearchCase($year, true, $records_per_page, $page_num);
if(! $rs_case)
$err_string = '<p>No cases match your search criteria.</p>';
$last_modified = $case->fGetLastModifiedDate();
//data required for filling the court/tribunal and HRA section drop-down lists
$court = new court();
$rs_court = $court->fGetCourt();
$hra_section = new hra_section();
$rs_hra_section = $hra_section->fGethra_section();
<script language="javascript1.2">
<?PHP if ($rs_case) {?>
<!-- Calculate the page number to display -->
function fDoPageChange(type, oForm){
case 1:
oForm.page_num.value = 1;
case 2:
oForm.page_num.value = <?PHP echo $page_num -1?>;
case 3:
oForm.page_num.value = <?PHP echo $page_num +1?>;
case 4:
oForm.page_num.value = <?PHP echo $case->lastpage?>;
<?PHP } ?>
function fConfirmDelete(title, id){
if(confirm("You are about to permanently delete the case:\n\"" + title + "\"\nDo you wish to continue?"))
window.location = 'case_delete.php?id=' + id;
<div class="doublewide">
<h1><?php echo $title; ?></h1>
<form class="anuform margintop padtop" action="admin_case.php" method="get" name="frmSearch">
<legend>Search for cases to administer, or add a case</legend>
<input type="hidden" name="form_action" value="search">
<input type="hidden" name="page_num" value="<?PHP echo $page_num?>">
<p>Filter by</p>
<label for="keyword">keyword</label>
<input class="text" name="keyword" id="keyword" type="text" size="30" value="<?PHP echo $keyword?>" />
echo fMakeSelectBoxN('year', $year, 2004 ,date('Y')+1)
<label for="court">court/tribunal</label>
<select name="court" id="court">
<option value="">all</option>
<?PHP foreach ($rs_court as $row){?>
<option value="<?PHP echo $row['court_id']?>" <?PHP fIsSelected($row['court_id'], $case->court_id) ?>><?PHP echo $row['court']?></option>
<?PHP }?>
<label for="hra_section">HRA section</label>
<select name="hra_section" id="hra_section">
<option value="">all</option>
<?PHP foreach ($rs_hra_section as $row){?>
<option value="<?PHP echo $row['hra_section_id']?>" <?PHP fIsSelected($row['hra_section_id'], $case->hra_section_id) ?>><?PHP echo $row['hra_section']?></option>
<?PHP }?>
<p class="instruction">select one or more filters for your search, or just click 'Search' to list all cases</p>
<p class="text-right">
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Search / List all">
<input type="button" name="Submit" value="Add case" onClick="window.location='case_edit.php';"/>
if ($case->numrows > 1) {
echo 'The following '.$case->numrows.' cases match your search criteria:<br />';
} elseif ($case->numrows == 1) {
echo 'The following case matches your search criteria:<br />';
<!-- Calculate and display the start number and end number of cases being displayed -->
if ($rs_case){
$start = (($page_num-1) * $records_per_page) +1;
$end = ($start-1) + $records_per_page;
if($end >$case->numrows)
$end = $case->numrows;
<p class="hdr-grey right">Displaying <?PHP echo $start?>-<?PHP echo $end?> of <?PHP echo $case->numrows ?> cases</p>
foreach($rs_case as $row){
<!-- Display the cases (10 per page) -->
<table class="tbl-uni margintop" style="clear: both">
<?PHP echo $row['title']?> <?PHP echo $row['citation']?>
<p class="right readmore">
<a href="admin_case_summary.php?id=<?PHP echo $row['case_id']?>">» view case summary</a><br />
<th class="bg-uni25">Date</th>
<th class="bg-uni25">Court</th>
<th class="bg-uni25">Other legislation </th>
<td><?PHP echo fShowMediumSQLDate($row['date'])?></td>
<td><?PHP echo $row['court']?></td>
<td><?PHP echo $row['other_legislation']?></td>
<?PHP if (!empty($row['overview'])) { ?>
<th colspan="5">Overview</th>
<td colspan="5"><p><?PHP echo $row['overview']?></p></td>
if (!empty($row['related_links'])) { ?>
<th class="bg-uni25" colspan="5">Related links</th>
<td colspan="5"><p><?PHP
$arr_links = split("\n", $row['related_links']);
for($i=0; $i < count($arr_links); $i++){
if (strpos($arr_links[$i], '|') > -1 ){
list($link_text, $link) = split('\|',$arr_links[$i]);
$link_text = $link = $arr_links[$i];
echo "<a href='" . $link . "' target='_blank'>" . $link_text . "</a><br>";
<?PHP } ?>
<p class="text-right nopadtop">
<input type="button" name="edit" value="Edit" onClick="window.location='case_edit.php?id=<?PHP echo $row['case_id']?>'" />
<input type="button" name="delete" value="Delete (you will be asked to confirm)" onClick='fConfirmDelete("<?PHP echo $row['title']?>", <?PHP echo $row['case_id']?>)'/>
<?PHP } ?>
<div class="hdr-grey"><a href="#" onClick="fDoPageChange(1,document.frmSearch)"><< first</a> <a href="#" onClick="fDoPageChange(2,document.frmSearch)">< previous</a> <?PHP echo $start?>-<?PHP echo $end?> of <?PHP echo $case->numrows ?> <a href="#" onClick="fDoPageChange(3,document.frmSearch)">next ></a> <a href="#" onClick="fDoPageChange(4,document.frmSearch)">last >></a></div>
<?PHP }
echo $err_string;
If the user enters a keyword with an apostrophe, the whole page goes blank. I've checked that Magic Quotes is turned on (
echo get_magic_quotes_gpc();
returns 1) so there shouldn't be any need for addslashes() ... at any rate it makes no difference if I add this - the page still breaks.
Any help would be immensely appreciated!