Error while browsing
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /customers/e/8/f/ on line 1 

Class content:

class UserModel extends Model 
protected $tableName='user';  var $uid;

public function getUserByMap($map = array(), $field = '*', $limit = '', $order = '', $is_find_page = true)

if ($is_find_page)
            return $this->where($map)->field($field)->order($order)->findPage($limit);

            return $this->where($map)->field($field)->order($order)->limit($limit)->findAll();


public function getUserList($map = '', $show_dept = false, $show_user_group = false, $field = '*', $order = 'uid ASC', $limit = 30)
        $res  = $this->where($map)->field($field)->order($order)->findPage($limit);

$uids = getSubByKey($res['data'], 'uid');

if ($show_dept) 

if ($show_user_group) 
            $temp_user_group = model('UserGroup')->getUserGroupByUid($uids);

array($uid => $user_group)

$user_group = array();

foreach($temp_user_group as $v)

$user_group[$v['uid']][] = $v;

foreach($res['data'] as $k => $v) 
$res['data'][$k]['user_group'] = isset($user_group[$v['uid']]) ? $user_group[$v['uid']] : array();

return $res;


public function deleteUser($uids) 
$uids = is_array($uids) ? $uids : explode(',', $uids);
foreach($uids as $k => $v) 
if ( !is_numeric($v) ) unset($uids[$k]);
if ( empty($uids) ) return false;
$map['uid'] = array('in', $uids);


return true;

function upDate($type){
        return $this->$type();


private function upbase( )
$nickname = t($_POST['nickname']);


$data['message'] = 
$data['boolen']  = 0;

return $data;
if( !isLegalUsername($nickname) )

$data['message'] = 
$data['boolen']  = 0;
return $data;
if( M('user')->where("uname='{$nickname}' AND uid!={$this->uid}")->find() )
$data['message'] = '昵称已被人使用';
$data['boolen']  = 0;
return $data;
$data['province'] = intval( $_POST['area_province'] );
$data['uname']    = $nickname;
$data['city']     = intval( $_POST['area_city'] );
$data['location'] =  getLocation($data['province'],$data['city']);
$data['sex']      = intval( $_POST['sex'] );


$data['message'] = '更新完成';

$data['boolen']  = 1;

return $data;
protected function data_field($module = '')
$list = $this->table(C('DB_PREFIX').'user_set')->where("status=1")->findall();

foreach ($list as $value)
$data[$value['module']][$value['fieldkey']] = $value['fieldname'];


return ($module)?$data[$module]:$data;


Kindly suggest how to resolve this.

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protected $tableName='user';

Don't think you can apply a value outside a method. I'm a noob at OOP, but I've been using the __construct() method to apply default values:

protected $tableName;

public __construct(){
  $this->tableName = 'user';

I don't know if this is the right way though...

OR you could pass the table name as a parameter if it's dynamic:

public __construct($table){
  $this->tableName = $table;

and then

$um = new UserModel('user');

Yes, you can give it a value. Unless perhaps he's on an older version.

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