Hi guyz,,
I have 2 table like,

Name, Number
Gates 123456789
Bill 987456321
John 874123658
Peter 562314752


Number, Message
123456789 Hai hello
874123658 Gudmorning
123456789 Something Went
123456789 verY Nice morning
562314752 Hai spidy..

My Question is how to select all records from table 2 and also i want to display the correspondence name to each numbers ,

Name Number, Message
Gates 123456789 Hai hello
John 874123658 Gudmorning
Gates 123456789 Something Went
Gates 123456789 verY Nice morning
Peter 562314752 Hai spidy..

SELECT t1.name, t1.number, t2.message from table1 t1 inner join table2 t2 ON t1.number=t2.number

Thank you, very good info.

Hi simplypixie, Thank you very much for your reply.. Your code worked me fine.. Thanks a lot..

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