this my new syntax for my new website
echo "<li class='childmenu'><a href=#equipment?id='".$row['id']."'>".$row['name']."</a></li>";
and this is the old one for my another website
$isi .= "<li><b><a class='topikMenu' href=reset/survey.php?id=".$row['kodetopik']."><span title='".$row['jumlahpenyurvey']." surveyor'>".$row['namatopik']."</span></a></b>";
I think it's same concept about give the $row in the middle of html syntax, but I don't know why my new syntax is error at <a href=#equipment?id='".$row."'>, the $row cannot read by php.. but that <li> can display at web, but the link just #equipment?id=''.. it's blank T_T
Please for your advice..