tamildinesh 0 Newbie Poster

i want to send the mail , when product got expire from before and ondate and after day, in php i was used datediff mysql function with php, but if product expire date comes like 31-1-2012 , the differ value is not suit for my coding , plz help how to solve it ,
This is my coding


$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM supplier_product_det");
$results = mysql_num_rows($sql);
//echo '<script>alert("'.$results.'")</script>';
if ($results > 0)

            while($rows = mysql_fetch_array($sql))
             /* print_r($rows['expired_on']);?><br /> <?*/
             $exdate = $rows['expired_on'];
             $curdate = date('Y-m-d'); 
             $datedif = mysql_query("select datediff('".$curdate."','".$exdate."')");
             while( $date = mysql_fetch_array($datedif) )
                //echo $date['0'];
                //echo $rows['pro_code'];
                if (($date['0'])== 1)

                    if(($rows['mailcount'])!== $curdate)
                        $to = $rows['supplier'];
                        $subject = "Product Expire Intimation";
                        $message = "Dear Mr/Miss/Mrs
                        The Following Your Product Expired 
                        Product Code:".$rows['pro_code']."
                        Product Name:".$rows['product_name']."
                        Product Expire Date:".$rows['expired_on']."";               
                        $from = "tone@bgrow.com";
                        $headers = "From:" . $from;
                        $checkdate = mysql_query("update supplier_product_det set mailcount ='".$curdate."' where id='".$rows['id']."'") or die(mysql_error());

                    //echo $rows['supplier'];

                    if (($date['0'])== 0)
                    if(($rows['mailcount'])!== $curdate)
                        $to = $rows['supplier'];
                        $subject = "Product Expire Intimation";
                        $message = "Dear Mr/Miss/Mrs
                        The Following Your Product Expired
                        Product Code:".$rows['pro_code']."
                        Product Name:".$rows['product_name']."
                        Product Expire Date:".$rows['expired_on']."";
                        $from = "tone@bgrow.com";
                        $headers = "From:" . $from;
                        $checkdate = mysql_query("update supplier_product_det set mailcount ='".$curdate."' where id='".$rows['id']."'") or die(mysql_error());

                    //echo $rows['supplier'];

                    if (($date['0'])== -1)
                    if(($rows['mailcount'])!== $curdate)
                        $to = $rows['supplier'];
                        $subject = "Product Expire Intimation";
                        $message = "Dear Mr/Miss/Mrs
                        The Following Your Product will Expire Today 
                        Product Code:".$rows['pro_code']."
                        Product Name:".$rows['product_name']."
                        Product Expire Date:".$rows['expired_on']."";
                        $from = "tone@bgrow.com";
                        $headers = "From:" . $from;
                        $checkdate = mysql_query("update supplier_product_det set mailcount ='".$curdate."' where id='".$rows['id']."'") or die(mysql_error());

                    //echo $rows['supplier'];



