Dear all. I need help regarding on my error.. this is the sample code:
Private Sub GetDetails(ByVal id As String)
Dim conString As String = (ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings.Item("ItemListing").ToString)
Dim objConnection As New MySqlConnection(conString)
Dim sdr As MySqlDataReader
Dim sSQL As String = " SELECT i.SuppCode,s.SuppName,s.telno,s.Faxno,,s.Salesman,s.Mobileno,s.add1," & _
" i.masterefno, i.invoicerefno,a.remarks, i.approval_date, i.approveby, a.new_listing_fee, a.totalamount, a.collectedby,a.otherinfor" & _
" FROM Supplier AS s, itemdetail AS i, account AS a" & _
" WHERE i.SuppCode = '" & id & "'" & _
" AND s.suppcode=i.suppcode" & _
" AND i.masterefno=a.masterefno" & _
" AND s.suppcode=a.suppcode" & _
" AND i.isApprove LIKE 'Approve%'" & _
" GROUP BY s.SuppCode,i.masterefno"
Dim objCommandGrid As New MySqlCommand(sSQL, objConnection)
sdr = objCommandGrid.ExecuteReader
If sdr.HasRows() Then
txtsuppcode.Text = sdr("SuppCode").ToString()
txtsuppname.Text = sdr("SuppName").ToString()
txttelno.Text = sdr("telno").ToString()
txtfax.Text = sdr("faxno").ToString()
txtemail.Text = sdr("email").ToString()
txtsalesman.Text = sdr("Salesman").ToString()
txtmobile.Text = sdr("mobileno").ToString()
txtadd.Text = sdr("add1").ToString()
txtMRef.Text = sdr("masterefno").ToString()
txtIRef.Text = sdr("Invoicerefno").ToString()
txtcdate.Text = sdr("Approval_Date").ToString()
txtcreatedby.Text = sdr("Approveby").ToString()
txtfee.Text = sdr("new_listing_fee").ToString()
txtTotal.Text = sdr("totalamount").ToString()
txtcollected.Text = sdr("collectedby").ToString()
txtoinfor.Text = sdr("otherinfor").ToString()
End If
End Sub
The error come from this coding below. The problem happen when i choose the "id" to execute and check using local debug. The "id" suddenly changing automatically.
I don't cannot figure out how to solve this problem.
Private Sub GetItemDetails(ByVal id As String)
Dim conString As String = (ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings.Item("ItemListing").ToString)
Dim objConnection As New MySqlConnection(conString)
Dim strsql As String = " SELECT i.fulldescription,i.productcode,i.pack_no,i.group_id," & _
" a.unitcost_by_ctn,a.unitcost_by_pcs,a.netcost_by_ctn,a.netcost_by_pcs," & _
" a.sp_by_ctn, a.sp_by_pcs, a.remarks" & _
" FROM itemdetail AS i, supplier AS s, account AS a" & _
" WHERE s.suppcode ='" & id & "'" & _
" AND a.suppcode = i.suppcode" & _
" AND i.isApprove LIKE 'Approve%'" & _
" AND a.productcode = i.productcode" & _
" GROUP BY i.suppcode"
Dim objCommandGrid As New MySqlCommand(strsql, objConnection)
GridItem.DataSource = objCommandGrid.ExecuteReader
End Sub
i hope someone can help me to solve this problem.