
I am php coder and new to asp.

I am trying to build a simple login page using asp and the db connection works fine. When the user submit the form and at the sql query section i am getting the following error
"Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'"

How do i fix this ? Hope to find some solution here. Thanks in advance...


if Request("btnLogin")="Login" then

'‘-------------------------------------------Get Form Fields--------------------------------‘
txtUsername = request.form("Username")
txtPassword = request.form("Password")

'‘--------------------------------------------Connect to Database-------------------------‘
Dim Conn, sqlstr
Set Conn = Server.Createobject("ADODB.Connection")
Conn.Open "Driver={SQL Server};Server=ACER-PC\SQLEXPRESS;Database=UCTI;UID=sa;PWD=123;"

'‘-------------------------------------------SQL Statement---------------------------------‘
sqlstr = "SELECT FirstName,LastName,Status FROM Student WHERE FirstName= txtUsername  AND LastName =  txtPassword"

set rs = Conn.execute(sqlstr)

'‘-----------------------------------------Check if user exists---------------------------------‘
If rs.bof and rs.eof Then
response.Write("Access denied")

Session("username") = txtUsername 

Status = rs("Status")

    if Status = "Admin" then
    end if

    if Status = "Lecturer" then
    end if

    if Status = "External" then
    end if

End If

end if

<FORM ACTION="login.asp" METHOD="post">
<TD VALIGN="Top">Username:</TD>
<TD VALIGN="Top"><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="Username"></TD>
<TD VALIGN="Top">Password:</TD>
<TD VALIGN="Top"><INPUT TYPE="password" NAME="Password"></TD>
<TD VALIGN="Top"></TD>
<TD VALIGN="Top"><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Login" name="btnLogin"></TD>

I believe it has something to do with inserting or updating a record with a NULL value. Check out this article, http://tutorials.aspfaq.com/8000xxxxx-errors/why-do-i-get-80040e14-errors.html.

Thanks. I tried looking at it and modified my code from

sqlstr = "SELECT FirstName,LastName,Status FROM Student WHERE FirstName=txtUsername AND LastName = txtPassword "


sqlstr = "SELECT FirstName,LastName,Status FROM Student WHERE FirstName=  '" + txtUsername +"'   AND LastName = '"+ txtPassword"' "

I am still getting the error and unable to check the database and let the user login.

Solved It By Using The Following Query

sqlstr = "SELECT FirstName,LastName,Status FROM Student WHERE FirstName= '" & txtUsername& "' AND LastName= '"&txtPassword&"' "

Thanks To Those Who Had Helped Me Solving The Problem

Yeah, I forgot you have to use & and not + in asp.net. Glad you got it ;)

suggestion: avoid using such sql statements, use stored procedures OR ensure that the there are sufficient checks to avoid sql injection attacks - e.g. in txtusername and txtpassword. The way your code has been written, it leaves quite a few options for a mediocre hacker to insert some malicious sql - at worst you might end up with all data deleted or tables dropped.

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