HI there, I am having a few problems understanding how drag and drop works in jquery.
Say I have this (which is taken from a text book): http://aharrisbooks.net/jad/chap_12/dragDrop.html
In the code you have

  //make all drag me elements draggable
      //set target as droppable

      //bind events to target
      $("#target").bind("drop", changeTarget);
      $("#target").bind("dropout", resetTarget);


Now, draggable( ) and droppable() are all methods coming from a library in here http://jqueryui.com/download so that's ok but I don't quite understanding how the events are bound to the target.
Take these 2 methods $("#target").bind("drop", changeTarget); $("#target").bind("dropout", resetTarget); :
I thought the bind() method takes an event and binds it to a function, but are those "drop" and "droppable" events?! If so where am I supposed to get their names from, I mean how do I know that they exist and they have that name,it's driving me crazy!
I might as well say $("#target").bind("i_am_droppin_it", resetTarget); as far as I am concerned!
Also when creating the function changeTarget() which has this code

function changeTarget(event, ui){
      .html("Dropped ")
   } // end changeTarget

about the 2 parameters we pass to it, event and ui: "event" - or "e" I suppose depending on the preferences - effectively represents the event "drop" doesn't it? Whereas "ui" I assume is referring to the interface but where do I get ui.draggable.text() from? I mean how do I know that it even exist?
Could anybody shed a bit of light on it please?

Hi stbuchok,
thanks for the links, you're quite right most of the stuff is there. I had a good look and most of my questions are actually answered but I couldn't see anything about this

Take these 2 methods $("#target").bind("drop", changeTarget); $("#target").bind("dropout", resetTarget); :
I thought the bind() method takes an event and binds it to a function, but are those "drop" and "droppable" events?! If so where am I supposed to get their names from, I mean how do I know that they exist and they have that name,it's driving me crazy!


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