I Need A Code To remove The Attribute (( Disabled )) From Submit Button

When All Fields Are Filled Out

This is My Code

<form name='vbform' method="post" action="ins_advs.php">

<legend class='master'>Title</legend>
Name <input class="regform2" type="text" name="title" size="40" maxlength="15" />

<legend class='master'>Details</legend>
<textarea class="textareades" cols="86" rows="3" maxlength="50" name="full"></textarea>

<legend class='master'>Full</legend>
<textarea class="textareades" cols="86" rows="10" name="details"></textarea>

<legend class='master'>Contact</legend>

Cell <input class='regform2' type='text' name='x' size='40' maxlength='100' 

Phone <input class='regform2' type='text' name='x' size='40' maxlength='100' 

Fax <input class='regform2' type='text' name='x' size='40' maxlength='100' 

Email <input class='regform2' type='text' name='x' size='40' maxlength='100' />


<legend class='master'>Section</legend>

$sql = mysql_query ("SELECT id,name FROM ads_cat order by id desc") or die ("error");
echo "<input type='radio' name='browser' value='$cat[id]' />$cat[name]<br/>";



<input class="submitad" type="submit" id="send" [COLOR="Red"]disabled[/COLOR] value="Add" />


You need javascript code to do that. See this thread for a hint.

Thanks I Will Check And Post Back The Results

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