
Im wondering if various users can a web services at the same time and execute the same code to generate something. Does it do it at the same time on difference threads/objects? Is it FIFO (First in, first out)?

Questions like those.

Thank you.

A web service should be able to cope with simultaneous users but it's all dependent on how it's written. I suppose if you had a service that counted something then you may get users having different responses.

Well I just tried it and I got this error:

(Generated from a exception)

java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1

This never happens when calling it just as one.

No help or ideas?

An out of bounds exception sounds like a coding error. Check your logic.

An out of bounds exception sounds like a coding error. Check your logic.

Sometimes it is a out of bound exception, other times it is a file error when trying to read/write/delete/move a file named the same but with different contents.........

So many things...

Yes, multiple users can call web services at the same time because programers defined the codeing to handle multiple task at same time.

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