Can anyone help me with "adapt.js" ( to set it up to include 2 css files instead of just 1.
For example I need it to figure out I want to include /css/960.css, then i also want it to include /css/<= $pagename ?>/960.css
Here is my current code (not included the standard adapt.js):
function myCallback(i, width) {
// Replace HTML tag's ID. = 'range_' + i;
// Note: Not making use of width here, but I'm sure
// you could think of an interesting way to use it.
// Edit to suit your needs.
// Where is your CSS?
<?php if (isset($page_css)){ ?>
path: '/css/<?= $page_css ?>/',
<?php } else { ?>
path: '/css/',
<?php } ?>
// false = Only run once, when page first loads.
// true = Change on window resize and page tilt.
dynamic: true,
callback: myCallback,
// First range entry is the minimum.
// Last range entry is the maximum.
// Separate ranges by "to" keyword.
range: [
'0px to 760px = mobile.css',
'760px to 980px = 720.css',
'980px to 1280px = 960.css',
'1280px to 1600px = 1200.css',
'1600px to 1940px = 1560.css',
'1940px to 2540px = 1920.css',
'2540px = 2520.css'