In an XSLT file, I am calling a function to a javascript file (.ascx) and trying to pass parameters. One parameter is a Date() object. The only way I've found to successfully pass it is to pass it as a string.

Here's the code from the XSLT file.

      grouping("<xsl:value-of select ="Date1"/>", <xsl:value-of select ="ID"/>);

Here's my function in Javascript.

function grouping(date, num) 
     // Date is now a string instead of a Date() object

What I want to do is keep the date object a date object and not a string. Anyone know how to do this? Otherwise, I'll have to parse the string and make a new Date out of the substrings.

In an XSLT file, I am calling a function to a javascript file (.ascx) and trying to pass parameters. One parameter is a Date() object. The only way I've found to successfully pass it is to pass it as a string.

Here's the code from the XSLT file.

      grouping("<xsl:value-of select ="Date1"/>", <xsl:value-of select ="ID"/>);

Here's my function in Javascript.

function grouping(date, num) 
     // Date is now a string instead of a Date() object

What I want to do is keep the date object a date object and not a string. Anyone know how to do this? Otherwise, I'll have to parse the string and make a new Date out of the substrings.

Use Date function instead of a Date return Date() .

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