Hey guys,

I need a bit of help...
I have the following....

<input name="title[1]" type="text" id="title[1]" size="30">
<textarea name="desc[1]" id="desc[1]" cols="50" rows="5"></textarea>
<textarea name="keywords[1]" id="keywords[1]" cols="50" rows="5"></textarea>
<input name="title[2]" type="text" id="title[2]" size="30">
<textarea name="desc[2]" id="desc[2]" cols="50" rows="5"></textarea>
<textarea name="keywords[2]" id="keywords[2]" cols="50" rows="5"></textarea>

Thing I want to happen is it to loop through and update each item in a table row where the id = array key...

but im not sure how I would do it using 1 query as id have you use a foreach... can someone with a better brain then me explain how they would go about it please?


So you have an array with your data? And you just want to create something like the above out of that array - try this:

$data[] = array('title' => 'Apple', 'desc' => 'green', 'keyword' => 'round, green');
$data[] = array('title' => 'Banana', 'desc' => 'yellow', 'keyword' => 'long, yellow');
$data[] = array('title' => 'Orange', 'desc' => 'Orange', 'keyword' => 'round, Orange');

$item_number = 1;

foreach($data as $current_data){

$current_item_number = $item_number++;

echo '<input name="title['.$current_item_number.']" type="text" id="title['.$current_item_number.']" size="30" value="'.$current_data['title'].'">
<textarea name="desc['.$current_item_number.']" id="desc['.$current_item_number.']" cols="50" rows="5">'.$current_data['desc'].'</textarea>
<textarea name="keywords['.$current_item_number.']" id="keywords['.$current_item_number.']" cols="50" rows="5">'.$current_data['keyword'].'</textarea>


Thanks for your comment back... not quite...

When the form is submitted I will have 3 arrays... like...

$title = array('1' => 'Home', '2' => 'About us');
$desc = array('1' => 'Homepage', '2' => 'About us page');
$keywords = array('1' => 'home, name, bla', '2' => 'about us, company info, bla, bla');

Then I need to loop through each and get something like this...

UPDATE table SET `title` = '$title',`desc` = '$desc',`keywords` = '$keywords' WHERE id = 'ARRAY_KEY'...

I hope you understand now.


Yeah the way you're storing in the array is much more complicated to get the data back out of. If you have one array called $dataset (for example) and you store each of the keys in that. You will still be allocated an array key.

If you do:

$data[] = array('title' => 'Apple', 'desc' => 'green', 'keyword' => 'round, green');
$data[] = array('title' => 'Banana', 'desc' => 'yellow', 'keyword' => 'long, yellow');
$data[] = array('title' => 'Orange', 'desc' => 'Orange', 'keyword' => 'round, Orange');

echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';

You will see each dataset combined by key.

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