Hi all,
I have another CFHTTP question. I am on another project where I have one sign-in form, but depending on the user's prior activity, or lack thereof, I have three places I can direct them.
1. If they are a returning user, they go to the main target, an educational website on a third party host.
2. If they are new, they go to a site that performs a number of functions that gets the user set up for the activities on the main site.
3. If there's an error, they are directed to a page that tells them what's wrong.
Now, in a perfect world, I'd have all of this going on in the form post handler for the main site. However, the db server that houses their pre-registration and payment information is on a server that does not accept external TCP/IP connections (being a medical education institution, we are on lockdown in order to not get in trouble with regulators and accreditors). I can get to it from the application server where the pre-registration site is located, but I cannot query it from my third-party host. To complete all the validation and authenticate the user, then, I need to have the script processing the post request on the application server that can query the pre-registration database.
So, what I need to figure out is how, if it OK to log them into the site on the third party host. I need to send a form POST to this site, and redirect the user there. Here's what I'm trying to use:
<cfhttp method="post" resolveurl="yes" redirect="yes" url="http://www.mysite.com/formhandler.php">
<cfhttpparam type="formfield" name="username" value="#username#">
<cfhttpparam type="formfield" name="password" value="#password#">
However, I am not redirected to the URL indicated, I am stuck at the page with the script running my validations. I've spent quite some time going through the documents at Adobe, and searching around for why I'm not being redirected to the form handler, and thus log in.
I've thought about adding a GET method in the formhandler.php script and using cflocation to do this, but there has to be a way in the script I'm working on.