Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/help4kid/public_html/language/lang_english/lang_main.php on line 148
gopi17 8 Junior Poster in Training
please post your code here.....
help4kids 0 Newbie Poster
$dbh = new GenericDatabaseClass();
$qry="select * from general_setting";
function get_currency($currency)
return '$';
else if($currency=='Euro')
return '€';
else if($currency=='Pound')
return '£';
$lang['HOME'] = "HOME";
$lang['view_profile']="View Profile";
$lang['edit_profile']="Edit Profile";
$lang['my_bids']="My Bids";
$lang['my_setting']="My Setting";
$lang['my_reports']="My Reports";
$lang['closed_auctions']="CLOSED AUCTIONS";
$lang['contact_us']="Contact Us";
$lang['join_now']="Join Now";
$lang['login']="Login ";
$lang['item_status']="Item Status";
$lang['your_bid']="Your Bid";
$lang['price_for_bid']="Normal Price";
$lang['max_bid']="Max Bid";
$lang['min_bids']="Min bids";
$lang['item_title']="Item Title";
$lang['please_select']="Please Select";
$lang['total_bids']="Total Bids";
$lang['log_reg_link']="<a href='index.php?show=login'>Login</a> or <a href='index.php?show=register'>Register</a>";
$lang['bid_expire']="Bid has been expired for this item.";
$lang['welcome_sign']='Welcome, Please Sign In';
$lang['new_customer']='New Customer';
$lang['i_am_customer']='I am a new customer.';
$lang['creating_account']='By creating an account at Auction you will be able to shop faster, be up to date on an orders status, and keep track of the orders you have previously made.';
$lang['view_detais']='View Item Detais';
$lang['returning_customer']='Returning Customer';
$lang['forget_link']='Forget Password? <a href="index.php?show=forget">Click here.</a>';
$lang['password_remainder']='Forgot Password';
$lang['go_to_lot']="Go to lot";
$lang["user_bid"]="User's bid";
$lang["user_id"]="user id";
$lang["lot"]="Lot #";
$lang["place_your_bid"]="Place your bid";
$lang['bid_mess']='Your bid has been added successfully.';
$lang['add_your_bid']='Add your bid';
$lang['bid_amount']='Your Exact Bid Amount';
$lang['add_bid']='Add Bid';
$lang["bid_detais"]="Bid Detais";
$lang["show_detais"]="Show Details";
$lang["my_acc_info"]="My Account Information";
$lang["reg_note"]="NOTE: If you already have an account with us, please login at the login page.";
$lang['customer_login']="Customer Login";
$lang['name']="Name ";
$lang['surname']="Surname ";
$lang['birthday']="Birthday ";
$lang['password']="Password ";
$lang['password_again']="Password Again ";
$lang['req_info']="All fields are required.....";
$lang['amount_alert']='Please Enter Name Bid amount.';
$lang['name_alert']='Please Enter Name.';
$lang['subject_alert']='Please Enter Subject.';
$lang['enquiry_alert']='Please Enter Message.';
$lang['login_alert']='Please Enter Login Name.';
$lang['login_exists']='This Login name is already exists.';
$lang['pass_exists']='Please Enter Your Password.';
$lang['pass_check']='Please Enter Confirm Password Same As Password.';
$lang['name_alert']='Please Enter Your Name.';
$lang['surname_alert']='Please Enter Surname.';
$lang['address_alert']='Please Enter Address.';
$lang['zipcode_alert']='Please Enter Zipcode.';
$lang['city_alert']='Please Enter City.';
$lang['valid_mobile']='Please enter Mobile.';
$lang['valid_network']='Please enter Network.';
$lang['phone_valid']='Please Enter Phone.';
$lang['email_alert']='Please Enter email address.';
$lang['email_valid']='Please enter a valid email address.';
$lang['email_exists']='This Email Address Is Already Exists.';
$lang['submit'] = 'Submit';
$lang['forget_mail_sub']='Your Auction Password';
$lang['login_error']='Please enter correct username & password.';
$lang['login_inactive']='Your login account is inactive, Please conatct us to the admin.';
$lang['contact_mess']='Your contact us form has been added successfully.';
$lang['numeric_valid']='Please enter numeric value for amount number only.';
$lang['not_bid_found']='These is not bid for this item.';
$lang['already_bid']='Your have added bid for this item already.';
$lang['bid_amount_check']='Please enter your bid amount more then price for bid.';
<tr><td>Your Auction Login details</td></tr>
<tr><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Your Username : $Username </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Your Password : $Password </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Thanks </td></tr>
<tr><td>The Auctionleo team </td></tr>
$lang['register_subject']='Welcome in Auctionleo ';
<tr><td>Dear $login,</td></tr>
<tr><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Thank's for registring to Your login detail is </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>username: $login</td></tr>
<tr><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>password: $pass</td></tr>
<tr><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Click $Link to Activate your account.</td></tr>
<tr><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>The Auctionleo Team</td></tr>
$lang['acc_act'] = 'Account Activation';
$lang['act_mess'] = 'Your Account has been activated .Please Click <a href="index.php?show=login">Here</a> for login.';
$lang['succ_heading'] = 'Your Registration has been completed successfully.';
$lang['succ_mess'] = 'We have sent your login details with activation link on your email address. So please check your email address of activate your account.';
$lang['item_title'] = 'Auction Title';
$lang['here'] = 'Here';
$lang['Auction_Code'] = 'Auction Code';
$lang['Verify_Mobile_Number'] = '';
$lang['verify_mobile_succ'] = 'your verification code has been sent on your mobile.';
$lang['enter_verify_code'] = 'Enter Verify Code';
$lang['close'] = 'Close';
$lang['Vodafone'] = 'Vodafone';
$lang['Virgin'] = 'Virgin';
$lang['T_Moblie'] = 'T Moblie';
$lang['Orange'] = 'Orange';
$lang['price_now'] = 'Price now';
$lang['time_remaining'] = 'Time remaining';
$lang['bid_time'] = 'Bid Time';
$lang['more'] = 'more';
$lang['add_bid_error'] = 'You do not bid on any product, you are not active for bid. please contact to the admin';
$lang['not_right_balance'] = 'Product bid rate is greater than to account balance, so you are not enough balance in your account for bidding on this product. please purchase bid tickets to the admin';
$lang['home_electronics'] = 'Home electronics';
$lang['gift_certificates'] = 'Gift certificates';
$lang['electronics'] = 'Electronics';
$lang['cars'] = 'Cars';
$lang['frontpage'] = 'Frontpage';
$lang['listing'] = 'Listing';
$lang['more_news'] = 'more news';
$lang['banner'] = 'Banner';
$lang['news'] = 'News';
$lang['other_text']='Lisäinfoa tarvittaessa. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. In rutrum. Ut sagittis elit eget sapien. Etiam cong turpis. Cras odio massa, volutpat egestas, dictum nec, nonummy id, nisi.';
$lang['Footer_text']='Selaimessasi näkyvä kello on vain <br>
viitteellinen ja todelliset huutoajat <br>
lasketaan huutopalvelimen kellon mukaan';
$lang['contents'] = 'CONTACT US';
$lang['cancel'] = 'Cancel';
$lang['title'] = 'Title';
$lang['product'] = 'Product';
$lang['sold_at'] = 'Sold at';
$lang['auction_ends'] = 'auction ends';
$lang['sms_rate'] = 'Lähetä viesti';
$lang['sms_number'] = 'numeroon';
$lang['per_sms'] = $Curr_sign;
$lang['Highest_bidder'] = 'Highest bidder';
$lang['bid_time'] = 'Bid Time';
$lang['instructions'] = 'Instructions';
$lang['uname'] = 'Username ';
$lang['pass'] = 'Password ';
$lang['rc'] = 'Returning Customer';
$lang['forget'] = 'Forget Password? ';
$lang['click'] = 'Click here';
$lang['con_pass'] = 'Confirm Password ';
$lang['phone'] = 'Phone';
$lang['creating_account']='By creating an account at Auction you will be able to shop faster, be up to date on an orders status, and keep track of the orders you have previously made. <b><a href="index.php?show=register">Continue</a></b>';
$lang['store'] = 'STORE';
$lang['closed'] = 'CLOSED ';
$lang['info'] = 'INFO';
$lang['help'] = 'HELP ';
$lang['home'] = 'HOME';
$lang['faq'] = 'FAQ';
$lang['tc_amount'] = 'Ticket Amount';
$lang['pay_option'] = 'Payment Options ';
$lang['pay'] = 'Paypal';
$lang['au_net'] = '';
$lang['promotion']= 'Promotion box';
$lang['buy_ticket'] = 'Buy Bid Tickets';
$lang['listing'] = 'Listing';
$lang['main'] = 'Main';
$lang['normal'] = 'Normal';
$lang['close_auction'] = 'Close Auction';
$lang['category'] = 'Categories';
$lang['fax'] = 'Fax';
$lang['con_pass'] = 'Confirm Password ';
$lang['select_transaction'] = 'Select transaction sheet dates From ';
$lang['Create_Report'] = 'Create Report';
$lang['sms_type'] = 'SMS Type';
$lang['save_report'] = 'Save report to CSV';
$lang['Mobile_Number'] = 'Mobile Number ';
$lang['bid_detail'] = 'Bid Details';
$lang['mobile_no'] = 'Mobile Number For Verification';
$lang['bidder'] = 'Bidder';
$lang['product_detail']='Product Detail';
$lang['view_all'] = 'View All';
$lang['sms_report'] = 'SMS Report';
$lang['bid_ticket']='Bid Tickets';
$lang['tel'] = 'Tel ';
$lang['normal_price']='Bit rate';
$lang['end_price'] = 'End Price';
$lang['ended'] = 'Ended';
$lang['winner1'] = 'Winner';
$lang['listing'] = 'LISTING';
$lang['verify_mobile']='Verify Mobile Number';
$lang['edit_mobile']='Edit your Mobile NO and Network';
$lang['subscribe'] ='Subscribe to newsletter ';
$lang['notify']= 'Notify me for when I have a bid';
$lang['notify_auction']= 'Notify me for auction result';
$lang['notify_new']='Notify me for new auction add';
$lang['tell_friend']='Tell a friend - feature';
$lang['friend_mail']='Friend Email';
$lang['List_packets']='List of different bid packets';
$lang['Bid_packets']='Bid Packets';
$lang['tell_frend']='Tell a friend';
$lang['msg_update_success']='Your setting has been updated successfully.';
$lang['msg_bid_trans_success']='Congratulation, your purchasing bid has been transferred successfully. We will get back to you very soon.';
$lang['bid_pur']='Bid Purchase';
$lang['msg_bid_rec_success']='Congratulation, your bid received successfully by using';
$lang['msg_bid_rec_fail']='Sorry, your bid purchasing process has been failed due to some problem, Try Again.!!!';
$lang['msg_pur_bid_tik']='Thank you to purchasing for bid ticket : We will get back to you very soon.';
$lang['mail_sub1']='Purchasing For Bid Ticket';
$lang['msg_pur_bid_tik_success']=' has successfully purchase for bid ticket.';
$lang['tell_frnd']='Tell a friend - feature!';
$lang['msg_link_send_success']='Your link send successfully to your friend.';
$lang['msg_link_exists']='Your link already send to your friend. please used another friend email.';
$lang['bid_add_success']='Your bid add successfully';
$lang['bid_amt']='Bid Amount';
$lang['u_won']='Congratulations! You have won!';
$lang['u_won_winner']='Congratulations! You have won! Your Winner ID : $winner,';
$lang['wewillbeback']='We will get back to you very soon.';
$lang['auc_fin']='Auction finished.';
$lang['auc_res']='Auction Result';
$lang['cc']='Credit Card / Visa';
$lang['up_pro_det']='Upcoming Product Detail';
$lang['bid_tik_amt']='Bid Ticket Amount';
$lang['password_remainder']='Forgot Password';
$lang['closed_normal_price']='Normal Price';
$lang['username_already_exist']='Your username already exist, please try another.';
$lang['email_already_exist']='Your email already exist, please try another.';
$lang['mobile_already_exist']='Your tel already exist, please try another.';
$lang['mobile_exists']='This Mobile No. is already exists.';
$lang['start_price']='Highest Bid';
$lang['goes_to_pause']='Goes to pause';
$lang['bidder_name']='Bidder Name';
$lang['all_already_exist']='Your username or email or mobile already exist, please try another.';
$lang['block_user'] = 'You are not bidding on any product, because admin block to you. please contact to the admin.';
$lang['Latest_winner']='Latest winner';
$lang['Bid_From']='Bid From';
$lang['Bid_To']='Bid To';
$lang['Book_Bidbutler']='Book Bidbutler';
$lang['your_autobid_add_sucessfully']='Your auto bid on this product will be booked successfully.';
$lang['already_put_autobid']="You are already auto bid booked for this product.";
$lang['not_login_for_autobid'] = 'You are not login for booked auto bid.';
$lang['auto_bid']='Auto Bids';
$lang['Entry_Date']='Entry Date';
$lang['Product_Name']='Product Name';
$lang['my_autobids']='My Setup Auto Bids';
$lang['highest_bid_user']='You are highest bidder on this product.';
$lang['Bid_Type']='Bid Type';
$lang['auction_status']="Auction Status";
$lang['auction_title']="Auction Title";
$lang['not_enough']=' Not enough balance in your account for set this range of autobid.';
$lang['your_bid_value']='Your bid value is less than to half of the bid from value minus bid to value.';
$lang['bid_to']='Bid to value should be more than bid from value.';
$lang['bid_from']='Bid from value should be more than current bid of product';
$lang['autobid_status']='Autobid Status';
$lang['active_user']="You are inactive user for not set autobid, please contact to the admin.";
$lang['autobid_block_user']="You are blocked user for not set autobid, please contact to the admin.";
$lang['total_running_days']="Total Running Days";
$lang['bid_time_closed']='You are not add bid on this product, because time is completed.';
$lang['refer']='Tell A Friend';
$lang['buy_credit']='Buy Credit';
$lang['my_won_auction']="My Won Auctions";
$lang['my_watchlist']='My Watchlist';
$lang['my_bidbutler']='My Bidbutler';
$lang['bid_sold']="This product has been sold.";
$lang['more_info']="More Info";
$lang['buy_features']="Buy Features Auction";
$lang['shipping_charges']="Shipping Charges";
$lang['total_cost']="Total Cost";
$lang['my_auction']="My Auction";
$lang['bid_now']="BID NOW! -";
$lang['about_to_end']="these auctions are about to end";
$lang['my_acc']="My Auction";
$lang['auto_bids']="Auto Bids";
$lang['ended_auctions']="Ended Auctions";
$lang['error_message']="Error Message";
$lang['how_it_work']="How It Work";
$lang['all_live_auctions']="All Live Auctions";
$lang['type_of_bids']="Type of Bids";
$lang['pay_now']="Pay Now";
$lang['product_details']="Product Details";
$lang['auction_id']="Auction ID:";
$lang['Future_Auctions']="Future Auctions";
$lang['View_Auction_Details']="View Auction Details";
$lang['Bid_Rate']="Bid Rate";
$lang['Timer_Value']="Timer Value";
$lang['Extends_Time']="Extends Time";
$lang['Start_Date']="Start Date";
$lang['Start_Time']="Start Time";
$lang['End_Time']="End Time";
$lang['Delivery_Cost']="Delivery Cost";
$lang['Delivery_Info']="Delivery Info";
$lang['Auction_Type']="Auction Type";
$lang['select_dates_from']="Select dates From";
$lang['no_record']="NO RECORD TO BE EXIST.";
$lang['numeric_value']="Please enter numeric characters [0-9] only for amount.";
$lang['Please_enter_amount']="Please enter amount";
$lang['No_payment_option_available']="No payment option available";
$lang['feedback']="'Already have an account? Please log in before sending us feedback.";
$lang['feedback_succ']="Your feedback has been sent successfully.";
$lang['Watch_Time']="Watch Time";
$lang['Auction_Details']="Auction Details";
$lang['Do_you_want_to_delete']="Do you want to delete";
$lang['Information_not_available']="Information not available.";
$lang['It_costs']="It costs";
$lang['to_place_a_bid']="to place a bid.";
$lang['Each_bid']="Each bid raises the auction price by";
$lang['end_latest_on']="This auction will end latest on";
$lang['Worth_up_to']="Worth up to";
$lang['retail_price']="The 'worth up to' price reflects the manufacturer's recommended retail price (USD).";
$lang['Prev_Page']="Prev Page";
$lang['Next_Page']="Next Page";
$lang['Reminder_For_Auction']="Reminder For Auction";
$lang['remind_me_succ']="Your remind me on clicked auction will be set successfully.";
$lang['remind_me_already']="Your remind me on clicked auction will be set already.";
$lang['View_Image']="View Image";
$lang['Ideas_Feedback']="Ideas & Feedback";
$lang['My_Auction_home']="My Auction Home";
$lang['required']="All fields are required.....";
$lang['Your_Name']="Your Name";
$lang['Your_Email']="Your Email";
$lang['Ideas_Suggestions']="Ideas and Suggestions";
$lang['copy']=date("Y")." ".$_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]." All rights are reserved.";
$lang['My_Details']="My Details";
$lang['My_Auctions']="My Auctions";
$lang['My_auction']="My auction";
$lang['Watched_Auctions']="Watched Auctions";
$lang['Won_Auctions']="Won Auctions";
$lang['Buy_Bids']="Buy Bids";
$lang['Bid_Account']="Bid Account";
$lang['Select_Category']='Select Category';
$lang['Already_Payed']="Already Payed";
$lang['Purchasing_Bids']="Purchasing Bids";
$lang['Free_bid_on_registration']="Free bid on registration";
$lang['Free_bid_on_Tell_a_Friend']="Free bid on Tell a Friend";
$lang['Free_bid_by_Admin']="Free bid by Admin";
$lang['Free_bid_First_Bid_Purchasing']="Free bid on First Bid Purchasing";
$lang['Total_Credit']="Total Credit";
$lang['My_Coupons']="My Coupons";
$lang['Fixed_Price_Auction']="Fixed Price Auction";
$lang['Off']="100% Off";
$lang['Penny_Auction']="Penny Auction";
$lang['Nailbiter_Auction']="Nailbiter Auction";
$lang['enlarge_it']="Click on an image to enlarge it";
$lang['Add_auction_to_watchlist']="Add auction to watchlist";
$lang['Want_to_know_more']="Want to know more?";
$lang['Now_live_on_auction']="Now live on Auction";
$lang['all_prices_in']="All prices are in";
$lang['second_countdown']="second countdown";
$lang['starts_at']="starts at";
$lang['tell_friend_about_bid']="Tell a friend about this deal and get 20 Free Bids!";
$lang['Bidding_History']="Bidding History";
$lang['Placed_bids']="Placed bids";
$lang['Market_Price']="Market Price";
$lang['Fixed_Price']="Fixed Price";
$lang['Per_Bid_Increment_Price']="Per Bid Increment Price";
$lang['Quantity_of_Stock']="Quantity of Stock";
$lang['Meta_Description']="Meta Description";
$lang['Meta_Keyword']="Meta Keyword";
$lang['Short_Description']="Short Description";
$lang['Starting_Price']="Starting Price";
$lang['Target_Price']="Target Price";
$lang['More_Live_Auction']="More Live Auction!";
$lang['instead_of']="instead of";
$lang['Check_Avaliablity']="Check Avaliablity";
$lang['This_auction_ended_on']="This auction ended on";
$lang['bid_cost']="Per Bid Increment";
$lang['normal_price2']="Price Now";
$lang['enter_bid_amount']='Enter bid amount';
$lang['plz_enter_amt']="Please enter amount";
$lang['plz_enter_num']="Please enter numeric characters [0-9] only for amount.";
$lang['you_already_put']="You are already put your bid on this product.";
$lang['Num_value']="Please enter Numeric value";
$lang['username_already_exist']="This username already exists.Please try another.";
$lang['this_username_available']="This username available.";
$lang['please_enter_username']="Please enter username.";
$lang['email_already_exist']="This email already exists. Please try another.";
$lang['this_email_available']="This email available.";
$lang['please_enter_email']="Please enter email.";
$lang['large_image']="large image";
$lang['product_name']="product name";
$lang['startprice']="Start Price";
$lang['stock_currently']="product to be out of stock currently.";
$lang['Feature_Auction']="Feature Auction";
$lang['verify_no']="Please enter verify no";
$lang['valid_verify_no']="Please enter valid verify no";
$lang['purchase_price']="Purchase Price";
$lang['id_of']="Please enter a valid id of";
$lang['e_auto']="Edit Autobid";
$lang['bid_val']="Please Enter Bid From Value";
$lang['bid_to_val']="Please Enter Bid To Value";
$lang['bid_equal_val']="Bid To Value equal to Bid From Value";
$lang['enter_bid_val']="Please Enter Bids Value";
$lang['pass_mob']="Enter Password/Mobile";
$lang['ent_pass']="Please enter password";
$lang['buy_auc']="Buy Auction";
$lang['sel_atl_one']="Please select atleast one of the date";
$lang['date_from_date']="From date must be less then the to date";
$lang['r_me']="Remind Me";
$lang['do_cancel']="Do you want to cancel?";
$lang['title_not']=" and title not in";
$lang['send_feed_admin']="Sending Feedback To The Admin";
$lang['ent_mob_not_matched']="Enter mobile number is not matched with your account mobile number.";
$lang['ent_corrent_pass_acc']="Enter password is not correct with your account.";
$lang['Plz_put_pass_mob']="Please put your password or mobile.";
$lang['Last_Winner']="Last Winner";
$lang['Refer_A_Friend']="Refer A Friend";
$lang['friend_recive']="Refer a friend and recive";
$lang['Active_auctions']="Active auctions";
$lang['Finished_auctions']="Finished auctions";
$lang['List_Bid_Packets']="List of Bid Packets";
$lang['Pause_Auctions']="Pause Auctions";
$lang['Pause_Auction_List']="Pause Auction List";
$lang['Banner_text']="Register to get 20 free bids";
$lang['Bidding_Auction']="Bidding on Auction";
$lang['Shipped_Date']="Shipped Date";
$lang['deal_cancel']="Deal Cancel";
$lang['bid_btn']='"images/mainsite/bid_btn.gif" border="0"';
$lang['select_catnew']='Select Category';
$lang['pre_page']='Prev Page';
$lang['next_page']='Next Page';
$lang['rec_sold_for']='Recently sold for';
$lang['pay_safe']='Pay safely at PennyBidsAuction';
Edited by Nick Evan because: Fixed formatting

If you'd used code tags, we'd be able to see line 148.
karthik_ppts 81 Posting Pro
In line 148
remove the single quotes from Thank's..
Please use code-tags to post your codes
Edited by mike_2000_17 because: Fixed formatting
help4kids 0 Newbie Poster
<tr><td>Thank's for registring to Your login detail is </td></tr>
In line 148
remove the single quotes from Thank's..
Please use [code] tags to post your codes
Edited by Dani because: Fixed formatting
help4kids 0 Newbie Poster
<tr><td>Thank's for registring to Your login detail is </td></tr>
If you'd used code tags, we'd be able to see line 148.

I was referring to the ordiary CODE tags not ICODE. code tags give automatic line numbers. Whenever you get an error with a line number. You need to show the lines above as well as often the blame lies there not in the line mentioned itself
Edited by diafol because: n/a
karthik_ppts 81 Posting Pro
just remove the single quote from Thank's. No need to use CODE tag in your code. Use CODE tag when you post in daniweb.
Edited by happygeek because: fixed formatting
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