Hi,guys,i cant solve this insert query into ,this is my query,i want it to insert it to another new table.How to solve this query?thank Q very for the help...cheers
SELECT adp.adsPageId,adp.adsSpaceId, DATE_FORMAT(adp.dayClick, '%Y-%m-%d') AS dateReport,
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ads_display att WHERE att.adsSpaceId = adp.adsSpaceId AND att.adsPageId = adp.adsPageId AND att.dayClick = adp.dayClick) as TotalView,
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ads_click acc WHERE acc.adsSpaceId = ack.adsSpaceId AND acc.adsPageId = ack.adsPageId AND acc.dayClick = ack.dayClick) as UniqueClick
FROM ads_display adp
LEFT JOIN ads_click ack
ON adp.adsSpaceId = ack.adsSpaceId
AND adp.adsPageId = ack.adsPageId
AND adp.dayClick = ack.dayClick
GROUP BY dateReport,adp.adsPageId,adp.adsSpaceId
ORDER BY dateReport,adsPageId,adsSpaceId ASC
New table column will be like this
Note: the reportId is the auto-increment id