
<table class="info">
                     <th>Mailing Address</th>
                     <th>Location Address</th>
                     <td><address>123 Somewhere ST.<br/>Somewhere, CA 123456</address></td>
                     <td><address>123 Anotherplace Ln.<br/>Somewhere Else, CA 123434</address><br/></td>

         <div class="blockContent borderedContent">
            <table class="entryForm">
         <th>Segment 1:</th>
         <td>SomeInfo Here</td>
         <td><a class="mailLink" href="mailto:someone@gmail.com">someone@gmail.com</a></td>

I need help on reading this table.
I would like it if I could have 7 variables


Can someone show me how to read this type of table and create those variables? I have been working on this for 2 days and can't figure this out. So I figured I would see what someone else could help me with.



If your file is valid XML then you could use DOMDocument and DOMXPath to read your values.

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