Hey everyone,
I am trying to develop an addon for my admin area to send a text to my clients.
I am trying to populate a select menu that will list clients that have added their mobile phones.
I am using the following tables.
- tblclients
- tblcustomfields
- tblcustomfieldsvalues
At the moment I am just trying to display the clients who have added their numbers but I get a blank page when using the following code.
$clientSQL = "SELECT * FROM `tblclients`, `tblcustomfields`, ` tblcustomfieldsvalues` WHERE `tblcustomfields.id` = '1' AND `tblcustomfieldsvalues.fieldid` = '1' AND `tblcustomfieldsvalues.value` != ''";
$clientQ = mysql_query( $clientSQL );
while( $client = mysql_fetch_assoc( $clientQ ) ) {
//get mobile phone
echo $client['firstname'] . ' ' . $client['lastname'] . ' - ' . $client['value'] . '<br />';
In the table "tblcustomfields" the phone number field ID is 1.
If anyone could help me I would be very grateful.
Thanks in advance