Hello, i have a problem with displaying a picture. Picture is stored in database as mediumblob. Storing pictures in database is going ok, since i can see them in phpmyadmin. Problem is, i can't see them in browser. THe code im using for this is here:
--lots of code before this one (mostly validation of forms) --
$_SESSION['avatar'] = "<img src=showImage.php?id=$userName />";
-- I am saving the image to $_SESSION file to use it on another script.
Script that goes into database and print out the picture
include 'spajanje.php'; //file that has funvtions for connecting to database
spojiSeNaBazu(); //function to connect to database
if(isset($_GET['id'])) //check the url (passing the username (id))
$id = (int)$_GET['id'];
$upit = "SELECT * FROM korisnik WHERE username = $id"; //query
$image = mysql_query($upit) or die (mysql_error()); //
$red = mysql_fetch_array($image); //
$avatar = $red['avatar']; //
header("Content-type: image/gif");
echo $avatar;
else {
echo "pogreska kod slanja url-a"; //error
and lastly, i have a script that shows image on browser via smarty templating:
_login.php (bold thing is important, at least i think so).
require 'D:\wamp\Smarty-3.1.7\libs\Smarty.class.php';
$smarty = new Smarty();
if (isset($_GET['err']) && $_GET['err'] == 401)
$smarty->assign("nonAuthAccess", "Kako bi nastavili morate se prijaviti!");
if (isset($_COOKIE['user']));
$smarty->assign("cookiedUser", $_COOKIE['user']);
if (isset($_SESSION['sesija']) && isset($_SESSION['korisnik']))
** $smarty->assign("slika", $_SESSION['avatar'] );** // assigning to smarty
$smarty->assign("uspjeh", $_SESSION['sesija']);
$smarty->assign("userName", $_SESSION['korisnik']);
else {
the problem is that i get something like this image:
So, if anyone has an idea what might be the problem, I would so much appreciate it. Thank you.